Press realease from the Assembly of the People of Huehuetenango

Before national and international public opinion, we make it known that: The ASSEMBLY OF THE PEOPLE OF HUEHUETENANGO IN DEFENSE OF TERRITORY AND FOR THE AUTONOMY AND FREE DETERMINATION OF THE PEOPLE (ADH) on this occasion categorically declare that we reject the actions of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, which [...]

2023-09-25T17:48:52+00:00September 25th, 2023|defensa del territorio, Defense of life and territory|

World Mother Earth Day Statement / Declaración del Día Mundial de la Madre Tierra

Political statement on the occasion of World Mother Earth Day Tq’ijlal Qtxu’ Tx’otx’. The Assembly of the Peoples of Huehuetenango -ADH in defense of the land, autonomy, and free determination of the people -ADH On April 22, 1970, the U.N. declared World Earth Day, and approximately 20 million people [...]


As the original people of the territory K’AIB’IL B’ALAM, we reject and condemn the unacceptable attitude of the attorney María Consuelo Porras, representative of the Attorney General’s Office (MP) for abusively ordering the dismissal of the head of the Special Prosecutor Against Impunity (FECI). Juan Francisco Sandoval is a [...]

Comunicado: Resistencia Pacífica de Santa Cruz Barillas y Asamblea Departamental de Huehuetenango.

Ante la “consternación” que la Corporación Financiera Internacional y el Banco Mundial expresaron respecto al informe de la Oficina del Ombudsman y Asesor de Cumplimiento (CAO), relacionado a la queja presentada el 01 de julio de 2015 por la Asamblea Departamental de Huehuetenango por la Defensa de los Recursos [...]

2021-06-01T19:03:30+00:00June 1st, 2021|defensa del territorio, Huehuetenango - ESP|

Open Statement: Pacific Resistance of Santa Cruz Barillas and Departamental Assembly of Huehuetenango

Statement regarding the “consternation” that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the World Bank expressed regarding the report of the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO), related to the complaint presented on July 1, 2015 by the People’s Assembly of the Department of Huehuetenango for the defense of Natural Resources and [...]

2021-06-01T18:55:03+00:00June 1st, 2021|Defense of life and territory|


De manera urgente, La Asamblea Departamental de los Pueblos de Huehuetenango ADH, nos hemos declarado en sesión permanente; analizando la situación preocupante de la Comunidad de Triunfo de Champerico Retalhuleu. En este momento la comunidad está bajo atropellos, amenazas de Energuate y luego coordinado con las fuerzas represivas del [...]

March 2021 Solidarity Update: Day of Dignification of the Victims of the IAC, International Day of Water, and become a sustaining donor!

During the February 25 commemoration, social organizations placed a poster with national symbols, covered by pictures of the disappeared and victims of the Internal Armed Conflict, outside the Congress. Photo credit: Edith López Ovalle Dear friends and comrades: We are already walking [...]

February Solidarity Update: ACAs suspended, updates from our partners, and a new volunteer opportunity!

These past few months have been full of challenges, victories, and continued perseverance. Continue reading below to join us in celebrating our wins, take action with us, and learn about the continued fight for justice for genocide survivors, land defenders, and all migrants and asylum seekers. Please also consider [...]

Plurinational Government clarifies facts of February 2020 incidents in Ixquisis

Dams already under construction in Ixquisis are visible from the river bank despite the communities' ongoing resistance against the imposition of mega-projects in their territories. Note of clarification: We reject all attempts to link us to supposed criminal acts On February 29, 2020, certain corporate communications media, [...]

2020-04-23T17:06:28+00:00April 22nd, 2020|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

Sisters in struggle: Indigenous Environmental Network leadership trip to Guatemala

In September, NISGUA had the honor of hosting a delegation to Guatemala for representative leaders of the Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN). The delegation featured talks with women land defenders, cultural exchanges, and a community visit to the Chixoy River watershed. There is also so much that cannot be captured [...]

2019-12-24T21:39:57+00:00November 1st, 2019|Defense of life and territory, Delegations|

Solidarity Update: August 2019

News recap: After presidential elections we amplify our partners' analyses as to what they expect from the new government; we also share voices of people in resistance to U.S. Intervention along the Guatemalan border; an update on a significant case against Tahoe Resources, now owned by Pan American Silver; [...]

Petition of Zaculeu: Communities in Huehuetenango reject U.S. militarization

The following public statement by the Assembly of Peoples of Huehuetenango (ADH) rejects the militarization by the United States in their territories. To read more about the resistance against militarization, click here. To take action in solidarity with the people of Huehuetenango and all the border departments of Guatemala, [...]

2019-07-11T21:51:59+00:00July 11th, 2019|Defense of life and territory|

Environmental defenders from Huehuetenango denounce threats to their land and water

In the face of the ongoing threat by mega-development projects and extractive industries to indigenous and campesino peoples' natural resources, and in particular to their water sources, the Departmental Assembly of the Peoples of Huehuetenango (ADH) held a day-long meeting to discuss strategies for their protection. The ADH, a [...]

2019-12-27T18:57:42+00:00January 25th, 2018|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

San Mateo Ixtatán: Don Sebastián Alonzo Juan, martyr in the defense of rivers

Photo Credit: Francisco Simón Original article posted in Spanish on Prensa Comunitaria. Translation by NISGUA. By: Francisco Simón. January 6, 2018, San Mateo Ixtatán The communal authorities of Yulch'en Frontera paid tribute to the martyr and defender of rivers Don Sebastián Alonzo Juan, who was murdered on [...]

2019-12-27T18:57:57+00:00January 16th, 2018|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

Ante la represión en contra de las comunidades defensoras de los derechos de las comunidades que integran la Micro Región de Ixquisis, San Mateo Ixtatán, Huehuetenango

Hoy, 17 de enero de 2017, las comunidades de la Micro Región de Ixquisis, de San Mateo Ixtatán, Huehuetenango, que defienden los derechos humanos, su territorio, la vida y los bienes naturales, realizaron una movilización pacífica para, nuevamente, expresar su rechazo y desacuerdo con la construcción de los proyectos [...]

2019-12-25T01:30:36+00:00January 18th, 2017|defensa del territorio|

Solidarity Update: August 2016

News recap: National and international human rights defenders threatened as transitional justice advances; Communities celebrate the release of political prisoners from Huehuetenango; SEC complaint says Tahoe Resources failed to disclose widespread opposition to Escobal silver mine. This and more in this month's Solidarity Update.

Caravan traveling to Huehuetenango celebrates the freedom of ancestral and community authorities

On July 30, 2016, seven ancestral and community authorities from northern Huehuetenango began their journey back home after being held as political prisoners. All of the men were held for over a year – one for over three – on charges related to community protests opposing hydroelectric dams imposed [...]

2019-12-27T18:15:09+00:00August 26th, 2016|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|
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