Organizations deliver petition with 2000+ signatures against the Asylum Cooperative Agreements (ACAs)

learn more and take action Migrants’ rights organizations deliver petition with 2000+ signatures against the Asylum Cooperative Agreements (ACAs) Leer en español Today, a broad coalition of Central and North American organizations delivered a petition to the U.S. Congress with more than 2000 signatures against the [...]

19 Organizaciones rechazan el golpe técnico contra la Corte de Constitucionalidad

[English below] The Constitutional Court is the highest body of defense for the Political Constitution of the Republic. (Photo: La Asamblea Departamental de Pueblos de Huehuetenango- ADH) Alta Corte de Justicia de Guatemala Las instituciones internacionales de derechos humanos firmantes expresamos nuestra profunda preocupación ante una [...]

Webinar! From the U.S. to Central America // Desde EE.UU. a Centroamérica

[español abajo] On June 10, we had the honor of coordinating a webinar "From the U.S. to Central America: Asylum, Deportations, and COVID-19" featuring five panelists from Central America and the U.S. who are experts on migration and powerful movement leaders. The panelists spoke about the illegal and [...]

NISGUA denounces the State of Siege in three municipalities in Sololá

[Español abajo] Image reads: Liberty! No to the State of Siege (Photo credit: Festivales Solidarios) On May 30, Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei declared a State of Siege in Santa Lucía Utatlán, Santa Catarina Ixtahuacán, and Nahualá in Sololá due to territorial conflicts in these regions. [...]


[English below] LAS VIDAS NEGRAS IMPORTAN. Desde NISGUA nos solidarizamos con todas las luchas en defensa de la vida, la dignidad y la seguridad de las personas negras por todo el mundo. Como una organización estadounidense, honramos a las tácticas diversas que líderes/as negras e indígenas utilizan para exigir [...]

Human Rights Ombudsman findings on verification mission of deported people in Guatemala City Airport

A sign from the Departmental Assembly of Peoples of Huehuetenango that reads "Only together, with the memory of the struggle and resistance of our peoples, can we stop imperialism." Human Rights Ombudsman findings on verification mission of deported persons isolated in La Aurora International Airport The adapted [...]

Plurinational Government clarifies facts of February 2020 incidents in Ixquisis

Dams already under construction in Ixquisis are visible from the river bank despite the communities' ongoing resistance against the imposition of mega-projects in their territories. Note of clarification: We reject all attempts to link us to supposed criminal acts On February 29, 2020, certain corporate communications media, [...]

2020-04-23T17:06:28+00:00April 22nd, 2020|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

Guatemalan National Organizations denounce NGO law

On February 14, Guatemalan Congress approved law Decree 4-2020, formerly known as Bill 5257, or the NGO Law. Guatemalan social movements  have pointed out that this initiative is antidemocratic, regressive, limits political rights, and threatens people who work in the defense of life. We are extremely worried about the impacts this [...]

Tour 2020: “Ancestral Movements: Indigenous Territory and Migration” with Association Pop No’j

In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, we have decided to cancel all in-person tour stops for our spring 2020 tour. We are sad to make this announcement and we are incredibly grateful for all those in New Mexico, Arizona, and Los Angeles who have been organizing and planning events [...]

Over 45 organizations demand release of Maya Chuj land defender Julio Gómez

Julio Gómez Lucas speaks before a crowd of thousands of people in San Mateo Ixtatán, Huehuetenango. Photo credit: Nelton Rivera, Prensa Comunitaria Km. 169 January 28, 2020 María Consuelo Porras Attorney General of the Republic of Guatemala Édgar Godoy Samayoa Department of the Interior Nester Mauricio [...]

2020-02-28T18:16:46+00:00January 29th, 2020|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

Human Rights Ombudsman makes recommendations on consultation over Escobal mine

A banner reads: "Xinkas: never conquered, eternally respected." Summary of Recommendations from Guatemala’s Human Rights Ombudsman (PDH) on the Court-Ordered Consultation over the Escobal mine A report on the status of the Constitutional Court-ordered consultation with the Xinka people over the future of the Escobal silver [...]

2020-03-28T01:37:13+00:00December 18th, 2019|Defense of life and territory, Escobal|

Sisters in struggle: Indigenous Environmental Network leadership trip to Guatemala

In September, NISGUA had the honor of hosting a delegation to Guatemala for representative leaders of the Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN). The delegation featured talks with women land defenders, cultural exchanges, and a community visit to the Chixoy River watershed. There is also so much that cannot be captured [...]

2019-12-24T21:39:57+00:00November 1st, 2019|Defense of life and territory, Delegations|

September Solidarity Update 2019

News recap: Hear the voices of our Guatemalan partners who speak out against the current state of siege, take action to support Xinca land defenders, and read updates on the Maya Achí sexual violence case. Don't miss out on our monthly donor drive that we're launching today! Become a [...]

Solidarity Update: August 2019

News recap: After presidential elections we amplify our partners' analyses as to what they expect from the new government; we also share voices of people in resistance to U.S. Intervention along the Guatemalan border; an update on a significant case against Tahoe Resources, now owned by Pan American Silver; [...]

Accompanier Perspectives: climate change and Indigenous organizing

Accompanier Olivia Pandolfi (they/she or elle/ella) writes about climate change and indigenous resistance in Quiché, Guatemala. In the text you'll read about extractivism, linguistics, and a multiple-hour Google Earth tour of Guatemala's river systems. ————— As the nine of us sit, crowded into the small meeting room on stools and [...]

Solidarity Update: July 2019

News Recap: Huehuetenango communities march against militarization, Escalation of tension, threats and defamation against the peaceful resistance to mining in Mataquescuintla, NISGUA Oakland takes action for immigrant justice on Amazon Prime Day, Thank you Becky, David, and Martha; welcome Claire, Meredith, Rafael, and Sarasuadi!

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