Accompanier Perspectives2017-12-19T16:41:38+00:00
29August, 2024

Accompanier Perspectives: A Photo Album from Guatemala

Michelle Liang (she/her) wrote this letter in July, 2024. This Friends and Chosen Family letter is a little different. I thought, sometimes my favorite way of receiving stories is sitting down with my friends [...]

4August, 2023

Accompanier perspectives: A reflection on two fires

This reflection is by Maisie (they/them) current Internacionalista. I’ve been in Guatemala for more than 8 months now. Since the last time I wrote y’all, my reflections have increased tenfold. Being here feels like [...]

24June, 2023

Accompanier perspectives: AIDS and historical memory.

Oli  (they/them), former NISGUA Internacionalista and forever compa, wrote this after their second stint as a volunteer in Guatemala with NISGUA. During my first week back home in Philadelphia after accompanying [...]

9January, 2023

First reflections: The makings of solidarity

Maisie (They/them/elle) current NISGUA Internacionalista, writes their reflections on accompaniment and solidarity. Enjoy the reading and the educational materials! Dear community, I have been in Guatemala for over two months now. I will admit [...]

19August, 2020

Accompanier Perspectives: On Holding Complexity

Para leer en español Nicole Estrada (she/her/hers), current NISGUA Internacionalista, wrote this letter during the COVID-19 pandemic and Black Lives Matter uprisings in the U.S.  Picture of a dreamy trail in Birmingham, [...]

29August, 2019

Accompanier Perspectives: climate change and Indigenous organizing

Accompanier Olivia Pandolfi (they/she or elle/ella) writes about climate change and indigenous resistance in Quiché, Guatemala. In the text you'll read about extractivism, linguistics, and a multiple-hour Google Earth tour of Guatemala's river systems. ————— [...]

18June, 2019

Accompanier Perspectives: Political prisoners return home

Dear Friends and Family, As I reflect on the past year since joining Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA) and officially finishing my first period in Guatemala Accompaniment Program, I hold [...]

21November, 2017

Accompanier Perspectives: From Huehuetenango to Omaha, NE

The Maya Q’anjob’al Nation takes their defense of land and life in Huehuetenango transnational through community organizing in both Guatemala and the U.S. Caya Simonsen worked for 6 months as a NISGUA accompanier in Huehuetenango [...]

19September, 2017

Accompanier Perspectives: 2017 Political Crisis in Guatemala

Guatemala plunged into a political crisis this month as President Jimmy Morales attempted to circumvent a criminal investigation into his campaign finances by declaring the head of the UN-sponsored Commision (CICIG) persona non grata, [...]

3February, 2017

Accompanier Perspectives: Ixil

While international accompaniment is at its core a response to the requests of Guatemalan communities and a tool for the protection of human rights, it is also a radical practice of showing up in solidarity and [...]

27November, 2015

Step into the House of Memory

Earlier this year, the Center for Human Rights Legal Action (CALDH) inaugurated the permanent installation of the Casa de la Memoria, an art exhibit that empowers youth to reconstruct their historical memory through the [...]

15June, 2015

Accompanier Perspectives: Huehuetenango

Dear Family and Friends, Thanks to those of you who’ve responded to my recent call for action in solidarity with political prisoners in Huehuetenango and for financial support in NISGUA’s successful May Match campaign! [...]

11June, 2015

Accompanier Perspectives: Ixcán

Since the mid-1990s, members of the NISGUA network have provided a physical international presence to threatened human rights defenders and communities in the Ixcán. We invite you to read the following reflection piece from one [...]

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