Blog Medium Image2017-11-25T19:35:42+00:00

Solidarity Update: August 2017

News recap: "This Land is Ours": Hundreds march to demand the restitution of stolen and occupied lands at site of Military Zone 21; Former military officers to stand trial for crimes committed against Molina Theissen family; Thousands respond to international call to action against violent repression of peaceful protest in Casillas; Inter-American Commission on Human Rights visits community members from Ixquisis; Bay [...]

Smear campaign launched against opponents to Tahoe Resources’ Escobal project, after mine licenses suspended

The following article was co-written by MiningWatch Canada and the Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA).  Following the suspension of two of Tahoe Resources’ mine licenses in Guatemala on July 5, Tahoe Resources’ suppliers, workers and the Guatemalan Industrial Association have engaged in a smear campaign against the Centre for Environmental, Social and Legal Action (CALAS) [...]

Tahoe Licenses Suspended for Lack of Consultation with Indigenous Communities, While Company Denies Indigenous Presence and Opposition 

July 7, 2017 (Oakland/Reno/Ottawa/Tatamagouche/Toronto) On Wednesday July 5, the Guatemalan Supreme Court of Justice announced that it was temporarily suspending two of Tahoe Resources’ mining licenses until a suit against the Ministry of Energy and Mines is resolved for discrimination and lack of prior consultation with Indigenous Xinka communities in the area of the company’s Escobal silver mine. Tahoe [...]

By |July 10th, 2017|Categories: Defense of life and territory, Escobal|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Tahoe Licenses Suspended for Lack of Consultation with Indigenous Communities, While Company Denies Indigenous Presence and Opposition 

Solidarity Update: July 2017

News recap: Ixil communities celebrate ancestral resistance during the Day of Dignity; Land defender Angélica Choc appeals the acquittal of Mynor Padilla, accused of murdering her husband; Communities fighting to protect the Oxec and Cahabón Rivers denounce decision by Constitutional Court; On World Environment Day, the IACHR calls for the protection of environmental defenders; NISGUA Sponsoring Communities celebrate decades of commitment [...]

Our commitment to racial justice

*Racial justice is essential to solidarity work* *Internationalism and the instructive resilience and courage of 500 years of resistance to colonialism and imperialism are essential to local struggles for justice in the U.S.* *We must work towards liberation in our solidarity movement* The Power of a Racial Justice Framework We are committed to deepening our commitment to racial justice [...]

Sí a la vida! Las comunidades del Ixcán conmemoran 10 años desde la consulta de buena fe que dijo ‘no’ a la extracción de recursos

Hace diez años, las comunidades del Ixcán practicaron sus tradiciones y derechos ancestrales como pueblos indígenas, celebrando una consulta de buena fe en el municipio donde 89.7% de las y los 21.555 participantes votaron en contra de permitir que las empresas extractivas ingresaran a sus territorios. El 20 de abril de 2017, las comunidades del Ixcán celebraron el décimo [...]

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