Environmental defenders from Huehuetenango denounce threats to their land and water

In the face of the ongoing threat by mega-development projects and extractive industries to indigenous and campesino peoples' natural resources, and in particular to their water sources, the Departmental Assembly of the Peoples of Huehuetenango (ADH) held a day-long meeting to discuss strategies for their protection. The ADH, a [...]

2019-12-27T18:57:42+00:00January 25th, 2018|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

Communities maintain peaceful demonstration in protest of negative impacts of Tahoe Resources’ mine in Guatemala

Featured photo credit: Jorge Tobías Pineda Herrera Since June 7, 2017, communities surrounding Tahoe Resources’ Escobal mine in southeastern Guatemala have maintained a 24-hour peaceful protest of mine-related traffic. They are denouncing the constant tremors they believe are the result of mining activities, the constant heavy truck traffic, and the [...]

2020-01-01T21:25:17+00:00June 15th, 2017|Defense of life and territory, Escobal|

Yes to life! Communities in the Ixcán commemorate 10 years since the referendum that said ‘no’ to resource extraction

Ten years ago, community members from the Ixcán exercised their ancestral traditions and rights as indigenous peoples, holding a municipality-wide community referendum in which 89.7% of the 21,555 participants in the referendum voted against allowing resource extraction companies into their territories. On April 20, 2017, Ixcán communities celebrated 10 [...]

2018-07-02T16:58:16+00:00May 5th, 2017|Defense of life and territory, Xalalá Dam|

Solidarity Update: December 2016

Photo: CPR Urbana News recap: Lucas García to be tried for the disappearance of Marco Antonio Molina Theissen; Staff member from the environmental justice law firm CALAS is murdered; The municipality of Mataquescuintla re-affirms 2012 referendum results that voted ‘NO’ to mining; “Guatemalan women healing towards justice” tour build U.S.-Guatemala connections in [...]

Solidarity Update: May 2016

News recap: Final arguments heard to determine whether CREOMPAZ case will be sent to trial; More than 99% of participants vote ‘NO’ to resource extraction in Quesada municipal consultation; Guatemala’s highest court upholds suspension order for El Tambor Mine; Announcing our 2016 Fall tour: “Guatemalan Women Healing Toward Justice.” This [...]

NISGUA Fall Tour 2014

FULL ITINERARY: SEATTLE, WA.; OCTOBER 2-6 Area Contact Phil Neff: phil.neff@gmail.com OCTOBER 2 Seattle University, 1:30-2:30pm 901 12th Avenue Bannan Building, Room 102 Seattle, WA 98122 Traditions Fair Trade Café; 7-8:30pm $5-15 Sliding Donation 300 5th Avenue SW Olympia, WA 98501 OCTOBER 3 Duwamish Longhouse & Cultural Center, 5:00pm [...]

2018-01-11T20:14:15+00:00September 18th, 2014|Tour, Xalalá Dam|

Comunidades de Santa Rosa y Jalapa lanzan campaña contra la expansión de Tahoe Resources

--> Comunicado de Prensa: Comunidades Organizadas en Defensa del Territorio y la Naturaleza de Santa Rosa y Jalapa Valla anti-minera ubicada en Mataquescuintla, Jalapa. Photo NISGUA Desde el año 2012 a la fecha, en nuestros municipios se han realizado Consultas Municipales a Solicitud de Vecinos, en las cuales más [...]

2019-12-27T17:33:10+00:00September 8th, 2014|defensa del territorio, Escobal (ESP)|

Communities in Santa Rosa and Jalapa launch campaign to halt Tahoe Resources’ expansion

"Water and life are worth more than silver or gold. You are intelligent, don't let them fool you." Community organized billboard campaign in Santa Rosa and Jalapa. Photo NISGUA In February 2013, the community of San Juan Bosco, located just 8 miles from Tahoe Resources' massive Escobal silver mine, [...]

2019-12-27T19:01:34+00:00September 8th, 2014|Defense of life and territory, Escobal|

Lawsuit Against Tahoe Resources a Wake Up Call for Investors and Canadians

Source:  MiningWatch Canada - Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA) - Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network June 18, 2014 (Ottawa/Tatamagouche/Guatemala City) A civil lawsuit filed today in Vancouver against Tahoe Resources for negligence and battery in connection with a shooting at the company’s silver project in [...]

2019-12-27T18:41:59+00:00June 18th, 2014|Defense of life and territory, Escobal|

Communities in Totonicapán and Quetzaltenango hold community referenda on mining

"The Council of Ancestral Authorities of the 31 communities of Momostenango welcomes you to the good faith community consultation" (All Photos: NISGUA) On Sunday September 1, the municipality of Momostenango held the third community consultation in the department of Totonicapán. In all three referenda in Totonicapán, as well as [...]

2019-12-27T17:21:19+00:00September 13th, 2013|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

Attacks Continue against Peaceful Resistance in San Rafael Las Flores

Police in San Rafael las Flores, April 11 Source: resistencapacificaelescobal.blogspot.com While representatives from mining affected communities from throughout Mesoamerica gathered in Huehuetenango to discuss strategies to confront the expansion of mining in their territories, the peaceful encampment in San Rafael Las Flores was violently evicted by members of the [...]

2019-12-27T18:30:36+00:00April 12th, 2013|Defense of life and territory, Escobal|

Communities in San Rafael Las Flores say NO to Tahoe Resources’ Escobal Project

Last weekend, 93% of the population of Los Planes rejected Tahoe Resources' proposed Escobal project, voting NO to chemical mineral mining on their territory. This good-faith referendum, organized by local authorities, is the second of 26 community referenda plannedin the municipality of San Rafael Las Flores. The first referendum, [...]

2019-12-27T17:22:06+00:00March 7th, 2013|Defense of life and territory, Escobal|

Across Guatemala: Communities Continue to Defend Their Right to Life

In September of this year NISGUA reported on the series of violent attacks against community members in San Rafael Las Flores, Santa Rosa and Mataquescuintla, Jalapa who were peacefully resisting the advancement of the Escobal silver mine project. The Escobal mine is operated by Minería San Rafael S.A. a [...]

2019-12-27T17:47:32+00:00December 17th, 2012|Defense of life and territory, Escobal, Huehuetenango|

Criminalization and Violence Erupt in the Shadow of the Escobal Mine

In recent weeks the municipality of San Rafael Las Flores has seen growing conflict around the installation of the Escobal silver mine, owned by the Canadian corporation Tahoe Resources. Local community organizers and allies from the Center for Legal, Environmental and Social Action (CALAS) denounced in August a wave [...]

2019-12-27T18:22:24+00:00September 25th, 2012|Defense of life and territory, Escobal|

Member of K’iche’ People’s Council Murdered – Asesinan a miembro del Consejo de Pueblos K’iche’s

On June 12, José Tavico Tzunun was murdered in his home.  José was a member of the K'iche' People's Council, an organizer for the 2010 community referendum in Santa Cruz del Quiché,  and an active community leader. K'iche' People's Council members announce the 2010 referendum results. We express our [...]

2019-12-27T18:33:11+00:00June 15th, 2012|Defense of life and territory|

Corte de Constitucionalidad otorga amparo, suspende reglamento de consultas comunitarias

El 23 de marzo del 2011, representantes de varios municipios que han celebrado consultas comunitarias, articulados en el Consejo de Pueblos de Occidente (CPO), interpusieron un amparo exijiendo que el gobierno desistiera en su intento por reglamentar las consultas.  Graham HuntEl 25 de abril del 2011, la Corte de Constitucionalidad [...]

2020-01-01T21:07:35+00:00June 3rd, 2011|defensa del territorio|

Constitutional Court grants injunction, provisionally halts regulation of community referenda

On March 23, 2011, representatives of municipalities that have carried out referenda, articulated in the Consejo de Pueblos de Occidente (CPO), filed an injunction demanding that the government desist in its efforts to regulate community referenda.  Graham HuntOn April 25, 2011, Guatemala's Constitutional Court resolved to grant a provisional injunction [...]

2020-01-01T21:07:45+00:00June 3rd, 2011|Defense of life and territory|

Maya Mam People Declare Mining-Free Territory

Graham HuntOn May 18, 2011, in a massively attended ceremony carried out among the temples of Zaculeu, the Maya Mam People of Huehuetenango declared their territory mining-free.  In the presence of community, municipal and ancestral authorities from Mam territory, as well as delegations from other departments, community leaders presented the [...]

2020-01-01T21:07:57+00:00May 27th, 2011|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

Pueblo Mam de Huehuetenango se declara Libre de Minería

Graham HuntEl 18 de mayo del 2011, en un acto multitudinario celebrado entre los templos de Zaculeu, el pueblo Maya Mam de Huehuetenango se declaró libre de minería.  En presencia de autoridades comunitarias, municipales y ancestrales del mismo área Mam, así como delegaciones provenientes de otros departamentos, se dio lectura [...]

2020-01-01T21:08:09+00:00May 27th, 2011|defensa del territorio, Huehuetenango - ESP|

On fourth anniversary of community referendum of Ixcán, communities and organizations denounce environmental degradation

Two men (background, right) fish at the confluence of the Copón (foreground) and Chixoy (back) rivers, in the municipality of Ixcán, El Quiché.  Community members denounce that the Copón river has become contaminated as a result of the Palo Viejo I hydroelectric dam, upriver on the Finca San Francisco plantation [...]

2020-01-01T21:08:37+00:00May 23rd, 2011|Defense of life and territory, Xalalá Dam|

A cuatro años de la consulta comunitaria de Ixcán, comunidades y organizaciones denuncian deterioro ambiental

Dos hombres (trasfondo, mano derecha) pescan en la confluencia de los ríos Copón (primer plano, color café) y Chixoy (fondo, color azul), en el municipio de Ixcán, Quiché.  Vecinos denuncian que desde hace un año las aguas del río Copón les llegan contaminadas y alegan que el deterioro del río [...]

2020-01-01T21:10:10+00:00May 23rd, 2011|defensa del territorio, Represa Xalalá|

Thousands protest against proposed regulation of community consultations

Graham HuntOn April 29, 2011, more than 3,000 people, primarily representatives of indigenous organizations from rural areas of Guatemala, marched through the streets of the capital city to manifest once more their disapproval of current government's attempt to regulate community referenda via a proposed law presented earlier the same year.  [...]

2020-01-01T21:10:38+00:00May 6th, 2011|Defense of life and territory|

Se intensifica rechazo de reglamento de las consultas comunitarias – Rejection of regulation of community referenda intensifies

Graham HuntOn March 23, hundreds of representatives from more than 50 municipalities that have carried out community referenda in Guatemala, articulated in the Consejo de Pueblos de Occidente (CPO) and other regional groups, took to the streets in Guatemala City to repudiate the central government's initiative to regulate community consultations, [...]

Se celebra consulta comunitaria en San Martín Chile Verde – San Martín Chile Verde celebrates community referendum

A man prepares to vote in Caserío Tui Bul. Graham HuntUn hombre se prepara para emitir su voto en el Caserío Tui Bul.On March 16, 2011, 17,849 residents of the predominantly Maya Mam municipality of San Martín "Chile Verde" Sacatepéquez, Quetzaltenango, added their voices to those of the roughly 600,000 [...]

Olintepeque celebrates preventive community referendum – Olintepeque celebra consulta comunitaria preventiva

A view of the Xequijel river, in Olintepeque, Quetzaltenango. Graham HuntUna Vista del Río Xequijel, en Olintepeque, Quetzaltenango.On February 20, 1524, Tecún Umán, last king of the K'iché nation, was killed in battle against the Spanish conquerors.  487 years later to the day, citizens of the municipality of Olintepeque, the [...]

Citizens of San Juan Ostuncalco reject mining – Ciudadanos de San Jan Ostuncalco rechazan minería

San Juan Ostuncalco's central plaza on the morning of the referendum.  Graham HuntLa plaza central de San Juan Ostuncalco en la mañana de la consulta.On February 18, 2011, in the 49th good faith community referendum celebrated in Guatemala, 33,428 men, women, and children rejected all mining exploration and exploitation in [...]

Communities present results of referenda – Comunidades presentan resultados de consultas

Representatives of the municipality of Cabricán prepare banners for the march to the Congress. Graham HuntRepresentantes del municipio de Cabricán arman pancartas para la marcha al Congreso. On Monday, November 29, representatives of the municipalities of Cabricán, Santa Cruz del Quiché, and Uspantán submitted to the Congress, the Ministry of [...]

Cabricán: Quetzaltenango’s First Referendum / Primera consulta en Quetzaltenango

"The K'iche People's Council...Our land is our home.Good Faith Community Referendum in Santa Cruz del Quiche.""Consejo de Pueblos K'iche's... nuestra tierra es nuestra casa!Consulta Comunitaria de Buena Fe para Santa Cruz del Quiché"Delmi ArriazaThree consultas (community referendums) were organized in the Western Highlands of Guatemala in October 2010.  Since 2005, approximately 650,000 [...]

Santa Cruz del Quiche: Reorganizing Historic Resistance / Reorganizando la resistencia histórica

On October 22, 2010, more than eighty communities held simultaneous referendums on mining and hydroelectric dams planned for the municipality of Santa Cruz del Quiche.  Years of organizing and popular education preceded the day-long event.El 22 de octubre de 2010, más que 80 comunidades llevaron a cabo simultáneamente consultas sobre [...]

Uspantan: 25,000 Demand a Different Development / 25,000 exigen un desarrollo digno

Mayan ceremony held the night before the referendum.Se lleva a cabo una ceremonia la noche antes de la consulta.  Graham HuntOn October 28, one day before the referendum, helicopters and planes flew over one of the regional centers where organizers were planning to compile results.  The mayor also published a [...]

Comunidades afectadas por las represas exigen sus derechos

“Las comunidades queremos un desarrollo digno y justo,con armonía y respeto con la Madre Tierra.”[i] Representantes de comunidades afectadas por represas viajaron a la capital de Guatemala el 30 de septiembre de 2010 para presentar sus preocupaciones y demandas sobre la planificación y la inauguración de varios proyectos hidroeléctricos en [...]

2020-01-01T21:19:38+00:00November 2nd, 2010|defensa del territorio|

Dam-Affected Communities Speak Out for Free, Prior, Informed Consent

"We, the communities, want a development with dignity and justice, with harmony and respect for Mother Earth.”[i] Representatives from affected communities traveled to Guatemala City on September 30, 2010 to present their concerns and demands regarding the planned construction or inauguration of a number of large-scale hydroelectric projects throughout Guatemala.In [...]

2020-01-01T21:19:50+00:00November 2nd, 2010|Defense of life and territory|
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