Justice and Dignity: March for the Victims of the Internal Armed Conflict in Guatemala

(Español más abajo) On February 25, 2025, a march took place in Guatemala to commemorate National Victims' Dignity Day of the Internal Armed Conflict. The mobilization, which gathered over 500 people, began at the Supreme Court of Justice and ended at Constitution Plaza. Participants, mostly family members and survivors, [...]

2025-03-04T16:56:48+00:00March 4th, 2025|Justice and accountability, Justicia, Uncategorized|

Press release: Organizations deliver petition calling for an end to Title 42 expulsions and protections for Indigenous migrants

July 28, 2021 Contact: Claire Bransky, claire[at]nisgua.org Today, a broad coalition of Central and North American organizations delivered a petition with more than 1300 signatures to the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security, and the U.S. Congress. The petition calls for an end to expulsions of asylum seekers [...]

Petition: Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights in Migration

SIGN THE PETITION TODAY REGISTER FOR THE WEBINAR Indigenous peoples of Abiayala (the Americas, in colonial terms) continue to face the destructive results of ongoing Doctrine of Discovery-based colonialism: imposed resource extraction, impunity for crimes against humanity, systemic poverty, robbing of ancestral lands, and more. [...]

Statement: “We reject the closure of the institutions of peace and human rights”

Members of the Platform of Victims and Survivors of the Internal Armed Conflict outside the Constitutional Court of Guatemala. Photo credit: Courtesy of AJR  On October 5, the National Platform of Victims of the Internal Armed Conflict and Guatemalan social organizations expressed their rejection of President Giammattei’s [...]

2020-10-20T00:31:41+00:00October 20th, 2020|Justice and accountability|

Plurinational Government clarifies facts of February 2020 incidents in Ixquisis

Dams already under construction in Ixquisis are visible from the river bank despite the communities' ongoing resistance against the imposition of mega-projects in their territories. Note of clarification: We reject all attempts to link us to supposed criminal acts On February 29, 2020, certain corporate communications media, [...]

2020-04-23T17:06:28+00:00April 22nd, 2020|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

International Human Rights Day Statement from survivors of the Internal Armed Conflict

Survivors of the Internal Armed Conflict at their Press Conference. Photo Credit: Impunity Watch Statement on International Human Rights Day The Victims and Survivors of the Internal Armed Conflict, convened in National Assembly, declare before national and international public opinion that: 1. We publicly condemn the [...]

2020-03-28T01:35:01+00:00December 19th, 2019|Justice and accountability|

Four lessons from survivors on the Day of Dignification for Victims

In 1999, the UN-sponsored Commission for Historical Clarification presented its report, Guatemala: Memory of Silence, which documented the crimes the Guatemalan state had committed against its own people during the Internal Armed Conflict. Each year, communities around Guatemala remember what they survived and those they lost on the National [...]

2019-02-28T22:20:23+00:00February 25th, 2019|Justice and accountability|

Solidarity Update: December 2018

News recap: Organizations demand justice in wake of assassinations and ongoing violence in Ixquisis, TAKE ACTION to stand with communities working to protect community consultations, NISGUA Speaking Tour shares lessons from successful organizing in Chixoy-Copón Rivers Watershed, KCA sues Guatemalan State in international court, survivors of sexual violence in Military Zone [...]

Media Advisory: Social movements at risk as technical coup unfolds in Guatemala

For a downloadable version of this media advisory, click here. For nearly a year and a half, Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales has repeatedly defied the rule of law by attacking the UN-backed International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG). On January 7, Morales announced that his administration would [...]

Political Crisis in Guatemala: Organizations Call on Embassy, State Department to Support CICIG

Jimmy Morales holds a press conference to announce unilateral cancellation of CICIG agreement. Photo credit: Moises Castillo/Associated Press The Jimmy Morales administration has brought Guatemala to a technical coup, as it ramps up its attack against the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG), in [...]

2019-12-25T00:44:40+00:00January 9th, 2019|Justice and accountability|

Political Crisis Continues in Guatemala: A Timeline

For nearly a year and a half, the Jimmy Morales administration has repeatedly defied the rule of law in its attacks on the UN-backed International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG).The situation reached another climax when CICIG researcher, Yilen Osorio, was detained and denied entry to the country at the [...]

Four lessons on human rights that we’ve learned from defenders of life

On International Human Rights Day, we recognize that the language of human rights has not always served to advance social justice. In many cases, it has functioned as a smoke screen for imperial institutions to validate or obscure their violence. The U.S. government used the rhetoric of human rights [...]

Boletín de ACOGUATE: julio-agosto 2018

En este boletín el equipo de ACOGUATE hace un análisis histórico del caso Las Dos Erres y da actualizaciones sobre un caso por violencia sexual, el estatus de defensorxs criminalizadxs en Huehuetenango y la lucha del pueblo Ch’orti’ de Morola. ¡Haz clic en la foto abajo para leer más! [...]

2018-12-25T18:25:46+00:00September 1st, 2018|Boletín de ACOGUATE|

Boletín de ACOGUATE: mayo-junio 2018

En este boletín el equipo de ACOGUATE da actualizaciones sobre las luchas de la resistencia pacífica en Ixquisis, FAMDEGUA y CONAVIGUA. También cuenta sobre la visita de la relatora especial de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas en Guatemala. ¡Haz clic en la foto abajo [...]

2018-12-25T18:21:00+00:00July 1st, 2018|Boletín de ACOGUATE|

Environmental defenders from Huehuetenango denounce threats to their land and water

In the face of the ongoing threat by mega-development projects and extractive industries to indigenous and campesino peoples' natural resources, and in particular to their water sources, the Departmental Assembly of the Peoples of Huehuetenango (ADH) held a day-long meeting to discuss strategies for their protection. The ADH, a [...]

2019-12-27T18:57:42+00:00January 25th, 2018|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

On 21st anniversary of Guatemalan Peace Accords signing, AJR says State still owes survivors justice

In the midst of the ongoing genocide retrial of José Efraín Ríos Montt and José Mauricio Rodriguez Sánchez, the Association for Justice and Reconciliation (AJR), the Center for Human Rights Legal Action (CALDH), and the Human Rights Law Firm (BDH) published a press release in the Guatemalan newspaper, El Periódico, to mark [...]

2019-12-27T17:11:21+00:00December 28th, 2017|Genocide Trial, Justice and accountability|

Sponsoring Communities: Needham’s Guatemala Partnership celebrates 30 years of solidarity

NISGUA's Sponsoring Community partnerships provide the resources, energy and political action required to ensure ongoing international accompaniment in Guatemala. Their long-term commitment to human rights and solidarity is an essential component of the longevity and sustainability of the Guatemala Accompaniment Project (GAP). The Needham Congregational Church/Guatemala Partnership is one of [...]

2017-12-08T20:42:41+00:00November 22nd, 2017|Accompanier Perspectives, Grassroots gatherings|

Political crisis as corrupt officials seek to undermine advancements in the fight against impunity

On August 27, Guatemalan President, Jimmy Morales, declared Iván Velásquez, head of the UN anti-impunity commission, the CICIG, "persona non grata" in Guatemala and requested his immediate expulsion. This decision came on the heels of a request by the CICIG and the Guatemalan public prosecutor’s office to strip Morales [...]

2019-01-30T20:58:33+00:00September 19th, 2017|Justice and accountability|

Accompanier Perspectives: 2017 Political Crisis in Guatemala

Guatemala plunged into a political crisis this month as President Jimmy Morales attempted to circumvent a criminal investigation into his campaign finances by declaring the head of the UN-sponsored Commision (CICIG) persona non grata, a decision that sparked widespread public outcry. A second wave of outrage followed over legislation [...]

2017-12-08T20:48:48+00:00September 19th, 2017|Accompanier Perspectives, Justice and accountability|

Tribunal hears testimonies of massacres in Nebaj, Quiché

The following is a translation of reports from the Center for Human Rights Legal Action (CALDH), one of the plaintiff organizations in the genocide case against former dictator Efraín Ríos Montt and his former head of military intelligence, José Mauricio Rodriguez Sánchez. While witnesses and plaintiff organizations continue to uphold the validity [...]

2020-01-01T21:26:35+00:00April 19th, 2016|Genocide Trial, Justice and accountability|

Court rules that Guatemala must recognize results of community consultations

In an historic resolution, a Guatemalan Appeals Court ruled last week that the government must take into account the right to free, prior and informed consent when granting mining licenses on the lands of indigenous communities. The ruling came in response to a legal action presented by the Sipakapense [...]

The Council of Maya and Xinca Peoples denounces the Guatemalan State in the IACHR

The Council presents their demand on September 3, 2013. Photo: CPO THE COUNCIL OF MAYA AND XINCA PEOPLES DENOUNCES THE GUATEMALAN STATE IN THE INTER-AMERICAN COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS On February 28, 2013, the Guatemalan Constitutional Court dismissed the Council’s challenge of unconstitutionality filed against the mining law on [...]

2019-12-27T18:28:52+00:00September 3rd, 2013|Defense of life and territory, Escobal, Huehuetenango|

Guatemalan complainants celebrate effective suspension of Tahoe Resources license

CALAS and the Xinca Parliament announce the suspension of Tahoe Resources' mining license on Wednesday morning. Photo: Prensa Libre (Ottawa/Guatemala City) On Tuesday, the Civil and Mercantile Division of Guatemala’s First Court of Appeals notified the Centre for Environmental and Social Legal Action (CALAS) that it is upholding an [...]

2019-12-27T18:42:52+00:00July 25th, 2013|Defense of life and territory, Escobal|
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