Press release: Organizations deliver petition calling for an end to Title 42 expulsions and protections for Indigenous migrants

July 28, 2021 Contact: Claire Bransky, claire[at] Today, a broad coalition of Central and North American organizations delivered a petition with more than 1300 signatures to the State Department, the Department of Homeland Security, and the U.S. Congress. The petition calls for an end to expulsions of asylum seekers [...]

#NoNosPela // Solidarity with the Guatemalan uprisings

WHAT IS HAPPENING IN GUATEMALA? For centuries, the elite of Guatemala have consolidated their power by violently robbing resources from the Indigenous majority. In recent history, the oligarchy has maintained its control through militarized violence, mass corruption, systemic impunity, and strategic alliances with the U.S. government and multinational corporations. [...]

NISGUA denounces the State of Siege in three municipalities in Sololá

[Español abajo] Image reads: Liberty! No to the State of Siege (Photo credit: Festivales Solidarios) On May 30, Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei declared a State of Siege in Santa Lucía Utatlán, Santa Catarina Ixtahuacán, and Nahualá in Sololá due to territorial conflicts in these regions. [...]

International Human Rights Day Statement from survivors of the Internal Armed Conflict

Survivors of the Internal Armed Conflict at their Press Conference. Photo Credit: Impunity Watch Statement on International Human Rights Day The Victims and Survivors of the Internal Armed Conflict, convened in National Assembly, declare before national and international public opinion that: 1. We publicly condemn the [...]

2020-03-28T01:35:01+00:00December 19th, 2019|Justice and accountability|

Solidarity Update: July 2019

News Recap: Huehuetenango communities march against militarization, Escalation of tension, threats and defamation against the peaceful resistance to mining in Mataquescuintla, NISGUA Oakland takes action for immigrant justice on Amazon Prime Day, Thank you Becky, David, and Martha; welcome Claire, Meredith, Rafael, and Sarasuadi!

Petition of Zaculeu: Communities in Huehuetenango reject U.S. militarization

The following public statement by the Assembly of Peoples of Huehuetenango (ADH) rejects the militarization by the United States in their territories. To read more about the resistance against militarization, click here. To take action in solidarity with the people of Huehuetenango and all the border departments of Guatemala, [...]

2019-07-11T21:51:59+00:00July 11th, 2019|Defense of life and territory|

Serious Concerns in the Face of Huehuetenango Militarization

In the past several weeks, communities and organizations in Huehuetenango have noted an increase in U.S. and Guatemalan military presence in their territories. This unexplained and unapproved military presence has caused great consternation in a region that was a target of the military’s “scorched earth” policies during the internal [...]

2019-06-17T20:48:19+00:00June 13th, 2019|Defense of life and territory|

International Organizations Publish Statement in Solidarity with La Puya

NISGUA joins 10 international organizations who stand in solidarity with the communities of the Peaceful Resistance “La Puya” impacted by the international arbitration claim filed against the state of Guatemala by US mining company, Kappes, Cassiday & Associates. Community members from San José del Golfo and San Pedro Ayampuc [...]

2019-12-25T00:43:58+00:00February 1st, 2019|Defense of life and territory|

Political Crisis Continues in Guatemala: A Timeline

For nearly a year and a half, the Jimmy Morales administration has repeatedly defied the rule of law in its attacks on the UN-backed International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG).The situation reached another climax when CICIG researcher, Yilen Osorio, was detained and denied entry to the country at the [...]

Four lessons on human rights that we’ve learned from defenders of life

On International Human Rights Day, we recognize that the language of human rights has not always served to advance social justice. In many cases, it has functioned as a smoke screen for imperial institutions to validate or obscure their violence. The U.S. government used the rhetoric of human rights [...]

Immediately following police violence on Thursday, community members return to peaceful encampment in Casillas

On Thursday, June 22, riot police used tear gas to disperse communities protesting the negative impacts of Tahoe Resources’ Escobal mine. For three weeks, representatives from six municipalities neighboring the mine have maintained a peaceful encampment along the highway in the town of Casillas, 15 kilometers from the entrance to [...]

2020-01-01T21:24:48+00:00June 27th, 2017|Defense of life and territory, Escobal|

NISGUA’s 2016 speaking tour builds connections across movements for gender justice

During our fall tour, “Guatemalan women healing towards justice,” community psychologist Maudi Tzay met with hundreds of students, activists, psychologists, and healers from across the U.S. to speak about the groundbreaking case of Sepur Zarco and the critical work of Guatemalan feminist organizations to create spaces for healing grounded in [...]

2017-12-08T21:30:36+00:00November 29th, 2016|Sepur Zarco, Tour, Trans-Territorial Organizing|

“We march because where there is militarization, there is sexual violence”

Maudí Tzay joins hundreds of activists in denouncing ongoing U.S. militarization at this year’s SOA Watch Convergence This year’s tour, “Guatemalan women healing towards justice: the case of Sepur Zarco,” kicked off at the U.S.-Mexico border, together with hundreds of other activists at the annual School of the Americas Watch [...]

2017-12-08T21:21:20+00:00October 20th, 2016|Justice and accountability, Sepur Zarco, Tour|

Opposing funding for Urban Shield

The following is a letter NISGUA sent to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors, expressing our opposition to the requesting of funds for Urban Shield. NISGUA has joined the Stop Urban Shield coalition to demand an end to the SWAT team training and weapons expo that brings together local, regional, and [...]

2019-12-27T18:12:31+00:00October 11th, 2016|Trans-Territorial Organizing|

Guatemalans Demand Answers from Distastefully-Named Gunpoint Exploration

News Release: Source: Mining Watch Canada - Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA) (Ottawa/Guatemala City) Today, a letter from Guatemalans living in the vicinity of Gunpoint Exploration’s ‘El Escorpión’ project was sent to the company raising concerns about inadequate disclosure in company filings, particularly considering overwhelming results [...]

2019-12-27T17:46:34+00:00July 6th, 2016|Defense of life and territory, Escobal|

Land defenders Saúl Méndez and Rogelio Velásquez absolved of all charges but remain in prison

On October 28, 2015, a Quetzaltenango Femicide Tribunal unanimously voted to absolve political prisoners Saúl Méndez and Rogelio Velásquez of the crimes of femicide and homicide. The Tribunal rejected every single witness presented by the prosecution and questioned the political motives behind the Public Prosecutor's decision to begin investigation [...]

2019-12-27T18:16:59+00:00November 25th, 2015|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

Three things you can do to halt Tahoe Resources’ expansion in Guatemala!

For the past five years, communities impacted by Tahoe Resources' Escobal mine in southeastern Guatemala have stood up to peacefully defend their lands and livelihoods. The Diocesan Committee in the Defense of Nature (CODIDENA) has led this movement – organizing and carrying out community referenda in which more than [...]

Civil Society Organizations Speak Out on US Central America Plan

Honorable: President Barack Obama, President Otto Pérez Molina President Juan Orlando Hernández President Salvador Sánchez Cerén, President Enrique Peña Nieto We, the undersigned civil society organizations and groups, wish to address you as your meetings begin at the Summit of the Americas in Panama to express our urgent concerns about [...]

2019-12-27T18:45:41+00:00April 10th, 2015|Defense of life and territory|

NISGUA Fall Tour 2014

FULL ITINERARY: SEATTLE, WA.; OCTOBER 2-6 Area Contact Phil Neff: OCTOBER 2 Seattle University, 1:30-2:30pm 901 12th Avenue Bannan Building, Room 102 Seattle, WA 98122 Traditions Fair Trade Café; 7-8:30pm $5-15 Sliding Donation 300 5th Avenue SW Olympia, WA 98501 OCTOBER 3 Duwamish Longhouse & Cultural Center, 5:00pm [...]

2018-01-11T20:14:15+00:00September 18th, 2014|Tour, Xalalá Dam|

Center for Independent Media denounces attacks following its coverage of violence in Alta Verapaz

Below is NISGUA's translation of a press release by Guatemala's Center for Independent Media (CMI-G) regarding attacks suffered as a result of its coverage of the violent eviction of communities opposing the imposition of mega-projects in Alta Verapaz. For the original version in Spanish click here. CMI denounces attacks [...]

2019-12-27T19:01:50+00:00September 1st, 2014|Defense of life and territory, Xalalá Dam|

ACODET denounces attempt to militarize communities opposing Xalalá dam

According to a secret contract signed between Guatemala's National Electrification Institute (INDE) and Brazilian Intertechne Consultores S.A., geological studies necessary to begin construction on the Xalalá dam are to begin in March 2014. Communities organized in defense of territory, who have opposed the dam's construction for years, denounced the [...]

2019-12-27T18:26:37+00:00March 3rd, 2014|Defense of life and territory, Xalalá Dam|

Communiqué denouncing recent repression in Northern Huehuetenango

On September 28, conflict erupted again in Northern Huehuetenango in response to the imposition of Spanish-owned Cambalam hydro-electric project in Santa Cruz Barillas. Despite ongoing criminalization and repression, community members continue to demand respect for the 2007 community consultation rejecting large-scale development projects in their territory.During his September 3 [...]

2019-12-27T18:28:28+00:00October 2nd, 2013|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

Guatemalan government declares state of siege in municipalities surrounding Tahoe Escobal mine

During the early hours of Thursday, May 2, one day after the first anniversary of the state of siege in Santa Cruz de Barillas, Huehuetenango, the Guatemalan government declared another state of siege in four municipalities surrounding Tahoe Resources’ Escobal mine. The imposition of martial law comes less than one [...]

2018-01-16T15:22:46+00:00May 3rd, 2013|defensa del territorio, Escobal|
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