Immediately following police violence on Thursday, community members return to peaceful encampment in Casillas
On Thursday, June 22, riot police used tear gas to disperse communities protesting the negative impacts of Tahoe Resources’ Escobal mine. For three weeks, representatives from six municipalities neighboring the mine have maintained a peaceful encampment along the highway in the town of Casillas, 15 kilometers from the entrance to the Escobal project. Stopping only mine-related traffic, they are denouncing [...]
Los miembros de la comunidad regresan a un campamento pacífico en Casillas, inmediatamente después de la violencia policial el jueves
El jueves 22 de junio, la policía antidisturbios utilizó gases lacrimógenos para dispersar a las comunidades que protestaban contra los impactos negativos del proyecto minero Escobal de Tahoe Resources. Durante tres semanas, representantes de seis municipios vecinos han tomado la decisión de detener sólo el tráfico relacionado con la empresa minera, a 15 kilómetros de la entrada de las instalaciones. [...]
Police use violence against community members during a peaceful demonstration against Tahoe Resources’ Escobal mine
Since June 7, communities have maintained a 24-hour encampment along the highway in the municipality of Casillas, 15 kilometers from the Escobal mine of U.S.-Canadian company Tahoe Resources. Blocking only mine-related traffic, they are denouncing the negative impacts they experience on a daily basis since Tahoe Resources came to the region. In prior statements published by the resistance movement, they [...]
Statement from the peaceful resistance to Tahoe’s Escobal mine, currently blocking mine-related traffic in Casillas
For more than five years, communities surrounding Tahoe Resources’ Escobal mine in southeastern Guatemala have opposed the project operating in their territories. Through 18 community and municipal referenda, multiple legal actions, and different sits-ins, encampments, and protests, impacted communities continue to show that Tahoe Resources has no social license for its project. Most recently, residents of the municipality of Casillas and surrounding [...]
Solidarity Update: Special focus on Tahoe Resources
News recap: A strong grassroots movement continues to resist Tahoe Resources; Six police officers tasked with the custody of Tahoe's former head of security found guilty on charges related to his escape; Supreme Court of Canada gives way for Tahoe Resources to face civil suit in Canada for violence; Youth activist and educator Alex Escobar to join NISGUA on tour this [...]
Communities maintain peaceful demonstration in protest of negative impacts of Tahoe Resources’ mine in Guatemala
Featured photo credit: Jorge Tobías Pineda Herrera Since June 7, 2017, communities surrounding Tahoe Resources’ Escobal mine in southeastern Guatemala have maintained a 24-hour peaceful protest of mine-related traffic. They are denouncing the constant tremors they believe are the result of mining activities, the constant heavy truck traffic, and the increasing environmental impacts of the project, including the drying up [...]