Comunicado: Psicóloga comunitaria guatemalteca, Maudi Tzay, dará charlas en los EE.UU. acerca del caso histórico de Sepur Zarco, un paso adelante para las sobrevivientes de la violencia sexual estatal en Guatemala.
Comunicado Contacto: David Imhoff (510) 763 - 1403, Gira de charlas en los EE.UU. visitará a AZ, TX, CA, OR y WA, 7-24 de octubre (Ciudad de Guatemala/Oakland, CA): Maudi Tzay, una psicóloga comunitaria con el Equipo de Estudios Comunitarios y Acción Psicosocial (ECAP), recorrerá a los Estados Unidos en octubre para informar sobre el papel integral de [...]
Saying “NO” to proposed parking lot on Mission Peak Ohlone cultural site
NISGUA's Oakland office and staff are guests on Ohlone land in California. On September 20, we responded to call to stand with the local Ohlone community in saying no to a proposed parking lot on Mission Peak. NISGUA spoke out at the public hearing and filed a letter (below), urging the East Bay Regional Parks District (EBRPD) to choose protection of [...]
Plan Alianza para la Prosperidad del Triángulo Norte – Entrevista con Fernando Solis, el Observador
Mientras que los EEUU promueva el Plan Alianza para la Prosperidad del Triángulo Norte – asignando $750 millones sólo en este año fiscal – NISGUA se entrevistó a Fernando Solis, editor y analista político para El Observador, para obtener su punto de vista sobre el Plan, sus objetivos y quienes serán más afectados. Como una revista de economía política, El [...]
Solidarity Update: August 2016
News recap: National and international human rights defenders threatened as transitional justice advances; Communities celebrate the release of political prisoners from Huehuetenango; SEC complaint says Tahoe Resources failed to disclose widespread opposition to Escobal silver mine. This and more in this month's Solidarity Update.
Public declaration of the Maya Q’eqchi’ of Los Copones, Ixcán, Quiché
The following is a translated statement made by the Maya Q'eqchi' authorities from Los Copones, Ixcán on August 13, 2016, to mark the third anniversary of the State recognition of their rights as indigenous peoples. NISGUA, through ACOGUATE, has accompanied many community members from Los Copones since 2006, as they have spoken out against the construction of the Xalalá hydroelectric [...]
Caravan traveling to Huehuetenango celebrates the freedom of ancestral and community authorities
On July 30, 2016, seven ancestral and community authorities from northern Huehuetenango began their journey back home after being held as political prisoners. All of the men were held for over a year – one for over three – on charges related to community protests opposing hydroelectric dams imposed without community consent. Read more about the trial and charges. [...]