Blog Medium Image2017-11-25T19:35:42+00:00

Maya Achi Women Speak about Fight for Justice to NISGUA, BTS Networks

Maya Achi Survivor Paulina Ixpata Alvarado and Maya Achi lawyer Gloria Pérez speak about their experiences working for justice. On two warm afternoons in Rabinal, Paulina Ixpata Alvarado and Gloria Pérez joined NISGUA, Breaking the Silence Maritimes Network, and a host of callers from the U.S. and Canada to speak about their experience bringing forward the [...]

Solidarity Update: April 2019

Our April Solidarity Update features a news recap: NISGUA and BTS Jointly Organize Webinars about Maya Achí Women’s Fight for Justice Report-back on 2019 Delegation: NISGUA and NMSU Organize Environmental Indigenous Leadership Exchange Accompanier Olivia Pandolfi Creates Zine about Community Consultations in Guatemala and more...

Xinka Parliament condemns Pan American’s interference in consultation process

An image made by the Xinka Parliament reads: "In our Xinka territory, water, our cosmovision, and spirituality are worth more than gold and silver." On Wednesday, May 8th, hundreds of members of the Peaceful Resistance of Santa Rosa, Jalapa, and Jutiapa gathered at the resistance encampment in Casillas for a press conference organized by the Xinka [...]

Indigenous people call on Pan American Silver to cease local interference out of respect for consultation process in Guatemala

(Vancouver/Victoria/Ottawa/Tatamagouche/Washington, D.C.) Ahead of Pan American Silver’s annual shareholder meeting in Vancouver today, the Xinka Indigenous Parliament released a statement calling on the company to stop attempts to engage with communities outside of the court-ordered consultation process over the Escobal silver project. They insist that the company’s community relations taking place in parallel to the consultation are coercive, heighten [...]

Accompanier Zine: An Introduction to Community Consultations in Guatemala

Current NISGUA accompanier Olivia Pandolfi (they/them or she/her) created this zine about community consultations as a Friends and Family Letter to their community. To read the zine as a PDF, click here. To download the zine, cut it up, and fold it into your own mini zine, click here! Olivia's Reflections Much of my political [...]

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