Boletín de ACOGUATE: mayo-junio 2018
En este boletín el equipo de ACOGUATE da actualizaciones sobre las luchas de la resistencia pacífica en Ixquisis, FAMDEGUA y CONAVIGUA. También cuenta sobre la visita de la relatora especial de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas en Guatemala. ¡Haz clic en la foto abajo para leer más!
Cincuenta y cuatro organizaciones guatemaltecas e internacionales rechazan la intervención de los EEUU en caso minera de Guatemala
Ayer, 54 organizaciones de Guatemala, America Latina, los Estados Unidos, Canadá e Europa entregaron una carta al embajador de los EEUU en Guatemala, Luis Arreaga. Las organizaciones expresaron su preocupación ante la intervención del gobierno de los EEUU acerca del caso en contra de la mina de plata de Tahoe Resources, un proyecto asociado con numerosos y bien documentado [...]
Fifty four Guatemalan and international organizations reject US intervention in Guatemalan mining case
Yesterday, 54 organizations from Guatemala, Latin America, United States, Canada and Europe delivered a letter to the U.S. ambassador to Guatemala, Luis Arreaga. The organizations expressed their concern regarding the U.S. government's intervention in the case against Tahoe Resources' Escobal silver mine, a project associated with numerous and well-documented human rights violations. Operations are currently suspended at the Escobal [...]
Volcán de Fuego erupts: Ways you can support
On Sunday, June 3, the Volcán de Fuego erupted and has had catastrophic effects. We have been in touch with our partners, none of whom have been directly affected by the eruption. We're saddened by the immense loss of life and displacement that this disaster has caused, and know that these impacts have been aggravated by deep structural racism [...]
Solidarity Update: May 2018
News recap: VICTORY! Four former military officials found guilty in the historic Molina Theissen trial; Host a summertime community screening of 500 YEARS!; Accompanier perspectives on land, genocide, and gentrification in Guatemala and the U.S.; Security measures restored for the Reynoso Pacheco family. This and more in this month's solidarity update.
Grassroots Cinema: Join NISGUA this summer by hosting a community screening of 500 YEARS!
This summer and fall, join NISGUA activists across the country in advancing conversations about international movements for social and environmental justice! We’re inviting our network to grow our capacity for cross-border solidarity by hosting a documentary film screening and discussion in their community. Documentary filmmaker and NISGUA supporter Pamela Yates has generously offered us her latest film, 500 Years, to [...]