Blog Medium Image2017-11-25T19:35:42+00:00

Oakland event builds solidarity across movements for gender justice

As part of NISGUA’s 2016 tour, “Guatemalan women healing towards justice: the case of Sepur Zarco,” Bay Area organizers brought together community and clinical psychologists working in trauma and healing to discuss the connections between militarism and sexual violence and strategies for resilience and solidarity. The event, “Memory and Healing in Movements for Gender Justice,” was held on October [...]

Mataquescuintla reaffirms its commitment to uphold the results of the 2012 consultation that rejected mining

Four years ago, residents of the southeastern Guatemalan municipality of Mataquescuintla held a municipal referendum in which 98.42% of participants voted against the presence of resource extraction projects in their territories. This past Friday, the municipality re-affirmed its commitment to uphold that decision and continue to stand up against US-Canadian mining company Tahoe Resources as it operates its Escobal mine [...]

Murder of Young Assistant from Guatemalan Environmental Organization is Evidence of Escalating Risk to Human Rights Defenders

November 16, 2016 (Ottawa/Toronto/Vancouver/Reno/Washington/Guatemala) North American organizations are dismayed and deeply troubled by the execution-style murder of 22 year-old Jeremy Abraham Barrios Lima, assistant to the director of the Guatemalan Centre for Legal, Environmental and Social Action (CALAS), on Saturday in Guatemala City. A group of Canadian and US legal, environmental and social justice organizations, and solidarity networks publicly [...]

CALAS denounces the murder of colleague Jeremy Abraham Barrios Lima

The Center for Environmental and Social Legal Action of Guatemala (CALAS) denounces the murder of Jeremy Abraham Barrios Lima, assistant to the General Director Yuri Melini. Below is the translated urgent action and original statement in Spanish.  CALAS - Urgent Action Public Statement MURDER of JEREMY ABRAHAM BARRIOS LIMA Assistant to the General Director of the Center for Environmental [...]

Community members protest damage to homes near Tahoe Resources’ mine, fear violent reprisal

The following article was written in collaboration with the Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala, the Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network, MiningWatch Canada, and the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada. In February 2016 houses in the village of La Cuchilla in the municipality of San Rafael Las Flores, began to crack and on April 19th, the houses [...]

Carta pública a las autoridades hondureñas sobre el reciente caso de expulsión de un defensor internacional de derechos humanos

Las organizaciones firmantes expresamos nuestra preocupación y condena por la detención y expulsión de un defensor de los derechos humanos al ingresar en Honduras el día 25 de octubre de 2016. Respetados Señores y Señoras. El martes 25 de octubre a las 9:00 am el defensor de derechos humanos Luis Díaz de Terán de nacionalidad española, fué retenido por [...]

By |November 1st, 2016|Categories: defensa del territorio|Tags: , , |0 Comments
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