Blog Medium Image2017-11-25T19:35:42+00:00

Más de 70 organizaciones exigen que Biden revise la política exterior hacia Centroamérica

Read this page in english Al Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Presidente-Electo Oficina del presidente electo 1401 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20230 15 de enero, 2021 Estimado presidente electo Biden, La presente es para felicitarle por su victoria electoral y compartir algunas reflexiones y sugerencias en relación a la política estadounidense para Centroamérica, la cual [...]

More than 70 Organizations Call for Biden to Overhaul Central America Policy

leer esta pagina en español The Honorable Joseph R. Biden, Jr. President-Elect Office of the President Elect 1401 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20230 January 14, 2021 Dear President-Elect Biden, Congratulations on your electoral victory. As you prepare to take office, we wish to share our thoughts and suggestions on an area of foreign policy that [...]

#LaPazEsNuestroDerecho / #PeaceIsOurRight

Since Giammattei announced a series of decrees closing several institutions created to comply with the Peace Accords signed by the Guatemalan State in 1996, we have been echoing the demands of our Guatemalan partners and uplifting their actions and statements. We also express our concerns on this grave setback in the struggle for justice and respect for human rights, [...]

195 organizaciones denuncian los últimos ataques contra miembros de la Resistencia Pacífica a la mina de Escobal

READ THIS PAGE IN ENGLISH VISITA EL SITIO WEB DE FUERA MINA ESCOBAL 21 de enero de 2021 DIRIGIDO A: María Consuelo Porras, Fiscal General, Ministerio Público de Guatemala Augusto Jordán Rodas Andrade, Procurador de Derechos Humanos de Guatemala Sean McAleer, Presidente del Consejo de Administración y Representante Legal, Pan American Silver Guatemala, S.A. Michael [...]

195 international organizations denounce latest attacks against members of the Peaceful Resistance to Escobal mine

LEER ESTA PAGINA EN ESPANOL VISIT RESIST ESCOBAL'S WEBSITE January 21, 2021 TO: María Consuelo Porras, Attorney General, Office of the Public Prosecutor, Guatemala Augusto Jordán Rodas Hernández, Ombudsman, Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman, Guatemala Sean McAleer, Senior Vice President and Managing Director, Guatemala, Pan American Silver Michael Steinmann, President and Chief Executive Officer, [...]

Statement: 24 Years After the signing of the Peace Agreements

"What is the institutional framework of peace in Guatemala? They are institutions that ensure that the State respects the Peace Accords and provides dignified reparation to the people who suffered crimes against humanity committed by the Guatemalan State through its repressive apparatus during the Internal Armed Conflict. The current government of Alejandro Giammattei intends to eliminate these institutions. #PeaceIsOurRight" [...]

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