Blog Medium Image2017-11-25T19:35:42+00:00

Guatemalans appeal case against Tahoe Resources in Canadian court

PRESS RELEASE Tuesday, November 1, 2016 Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) - Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA) - Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada (PLAN) Today, the British Columbia Court of Appeals in Vancouver, Canada will revisit a procedural motion in the case of seven Guatemalans who have brought a civil suit for battery and [...]

Committee for Reparations for La Cuchilla denounce cracks in houses from explosions at the Escobal mine

Community members from La Cuchilla in the municipality of San Rafael las Flores are concerned about major cracks in the foundation of their houses that have developed since Tahoe Resources' began mining operations at the neighboring Escobal mine. They claim that the cracks are due to explosions and an increase in heavy truck traffic due to mining operations. NISGUA has provided [...]

“We march because where there is militarization, there is sexual violence”

Maudí Tzay joins hundreds of activists in denouncing ongoing U.S. militarization at this year’s SOA Watch Convergence This year’s tour, “Guatemalan women healing towards justice: the case of Sepur Zarco,” kicked off at the U.S.-Mexico border, together with hundreds of other activists at the annual School of the Americas Watch Convergence. Previously held each year in Fort Benning, Georgia, at [...]

Opposing funding for Urban Shield

The following is a letter NISGUA sent to the Alameda County Board of Supervisors, expressing our opposition to the requesting of funds for Urban Shield. NISGUA has joined the Stop Urban Shield coalition to demand an end to the SWAT team training and weapons expo that brings together local, regional, and international police and military units to collaborate on new forms [...]

Solidarity Update: October 2016

News recap: “Guatemalan women healing towards justice” tour kicks off this weekend at the border; Alliance for Prosperity means more of the same U.S. foreign policy towards Central America; Xamán massacre will be prosecuted in Inter-American Court; The home of human rights defender Angelica Choc attacked amidst advances in criminal trial. This and more in this month's Solidarity Update. [...]

Comunidades campesinas e xincas en resistencia al proyecto extractiva de biomasa

Más de 30 comunidades xincas y campesinas de los municipios de Quesada y Jutiapa, ubicados en el suroriente de Guatemala, están en resistencia a un proyecto energético de biomasa, lo cuál propone la quema de árboles de eucaliptos para generar luz eléctrica. Representantes de las comunidades se han formado un plantón en resistencia, manteniendo una presencia permanente en las dos entradas al sede [...]

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