
May 2017

Join us on tour this Fall with JODVID!

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This fall, we’re excited to welcome Alex Escobar Prado as the featured speaker for this year's tour, "Guatemalan Youth in Defense of Land and Life!" Alex is an activist, educator, and a member of the [...]

Solidarity Update: May 2017

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News recap: Motions filed against former Constitutional Court judges for breach of duty in overturning the genocide verdict; Ríos Montt to stand trial for genocide for his role in the Dos Erres massacre; Accompanier perspective: [...]

Movements resisting resource extraction are being met with targeted violence

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Over the last several decades, transnational resource extraction companies have flocked to Central America. Licenses to construct hydroelectric dams, exploit minerals, or build the necessary infrastructure to make these types of projects possible are [...]

More than 2900 concerned individuals from 59 countries ask Guatemalan Public Prosecutor’s Office to investigate murder of environmental defender

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Press release May 17, 2017 (Guatemala/Oakland, CA/Tatamagouche, NS) -- On Wednesday, a letter was delivered to the Public Prosecutor’s office in Guatemala on behalf of more than 2,900 people requesting an immediate and thorough investigation [...]

Yes to life! Communities in the Ixcán commemorate 10 years since the referendum that said ‘no’ to resource extraction

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Ten years ago, community members from the Ixcán exercised their ancestral traditions and rights as indigenous peoples, holding a municipality-wide community referendum in which 89.7% of the 21,555 participants in the referendum voted against [...]

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