
July 2018

Boletín de ACOGUATE: mayo-junio 2018

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En este boletín el equipo de ACOGUATE da actualizaciones sobre las luchas de la resistencia pacífica en Ixquisis, FAMDEGUA y CONAVIGUA. También cuenta sobre la visita de la relatora especial de las Naciones Unidas [...]

June 2018

Fifty four Guatemalan and international organizations reject US intervention in Guatemalan mining case

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Yesterday, 54 organizations from Guatemala, Latin America, United States, Canada and Europe delivered a letter to the U.S. ambassador to Guatemala, Luis Arreaga. The organizations expressed their concern regarding the U.S. government's intervention in [...]

May 2018

Solidarity Update: May 2018

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News recap: VICTORY! Four former military officials found guilty in the historic Molina Theissen trial; Host a summertime community screening of 500 YEARS!; Accompanier perspectives on land, genocide, and gentrification in Guatemala and the U.S.; Security measures restored [...]

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