On fourth anniversary of community referendum of Ixcán, communities and organizations denounce environmental degradation

Two men (background, right) fish at the confluence of the Copón (foreground) and Chixoy (back) rivers, in the municipality of Ixcán, El Quiché.  Community members denounce that the Copón river has become contaminated as a result of the Palo Viejo I hydroelectric dam, upriver on the Finca San Francisco plantation [...]

2020-01-01T21:08:37+00:00May 23rd, 2011|Defense of life and territory, Xalalá Dam|

Thousands protest against proposed regulation of community consultations

Graham HuntOn April 29, 2011, more than 3,000 people, primarily representatives of indigenous organizations from rural areas of Guatemala, marched through the streets of the capital city to manifest once more their disapproval of current government's attempt to regulate community referenda via a proposed law presented earlier the same year.  [...]

2020-01-01T21:10:38+00:00May 6th, 2011|Defense of life and territory|

Se intensifica rechazo de reglamento de las consultas comunitarias – Rejection of regulation of community referenda intensifies

Graham HuntOn March 23, hundreds of representatives from more than 50 municipalities that have carried out community referenda in Guatemala, articulated in the Consejo de Pueblos de Occidente (CPO) and other regional groups, took to the streets in Guatemala City to repudiate the central government's initiative to regulate community consultations, [...]

Se celebra consulta comunitaria en San Martín Chile Verde – San Martín Chile Verde celebrates community referendum

A man prepares to vote in Caserío Tui Bul. Graham HuntUn hombre se prepara para emitir su voto en el Caserío Tui Bul.On March 16, 2011, 17,849 residents of the predominantly Maya Mam municipality of San Martín "Chile Verde" Sacatepéquez, Quetzaltenango, added their voices to those of the roughly 600,000 [...]

Evictions in Polochic Valley Denounced

Representatives from numerous organizations held a press conference on March 18 to denounce human rights violations committed during the eviction of hundreds of rural Maya Q'eqchi' families in the Polochic Valley, in the department of Alta Verapaz and to demand that the authorities halt the evictions.   The organizations addressed a [...]

2020-01-01T21:12:16+00:00March 20th, 2011|Defense of life and territory|

Violence Near Goldcorp Mine in Guatemala Underscores Need for Mine Suspension

In the following letter to Guatemalan authorities and Goldcorp Inc., the Coalition Against Unjust Mining in Guatemala (CAMIGUA) expresses its profound concern following reports of violence in the municipality of San Miguel Ixtahuacán. CAMIGUA believes that the recent incident underscores an urgent need for the Guatemalan government to fully implement [...]

2020-01-01T21:12:48+00:00March 9th, 2011|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

Urgent concern for safety of human rights defenders of San Miguel Ixtahuacán following peaceful protests

TAKE ACTION through Amnesty International Guatemala 28 February 2011The Network in Solidarity with the People of GuatemalaCollectif GuatemalaBreaking the SilenceRights ActionUrgent concern for safety of human rights defenders of San Miguel Ixtahuacán following peaceful protests We denounce the human rights violations and abuses committed today against peaceful protesters in San [...]

2020-01-01T21:13:52+00:00March 1st, 2011|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

Olintepeque celebrates preventive community referendum – Olintepeque celebra consulta comunitaria preventiva

A view of the Xequijel river, in Olintepeque, Quetzaltenango. Graham HuntUna Vista del Río Xequijel, en Olintepeque, Quetzaltenango.On February 20, 1524, Tecún Umán, last king of the K'iché nation, was killed in battle against the Spanish conquerors.  487 years later to the day, citizens of the municipality of Olintepeque, the [...]

Citizens of San Juan Ostuncalco reject mining – Ciudadanos de San Jan Ostuncalco rechazan minería

San Juan Ostuncalco's central plaza on the morning of the referendum.  Graham HuntLa plaza central de San Juan Ostuncalco en la mañana de la consulta.On February 18, 2011, in the 49th good faith community referendum celebrated in Guatemala, 33,428 men, women, and children rejected all mining exploration and exploitation in [...]

Comunitarios exigen captura de Maynor Padilla – Community members demand capture of Maynor Padilla

Angélica Choc. Graham HuntOn December 9, 2010, a group of community members from El Estor, Izabal, among them eye-witnesses of the September 27, 2009 assassination of Adolfo Ich Chamán, gathered before the Crimes Against Activists Unit of the Human Rights Section of the Public Prosecutor's Office in Guatemala City.  Inside, [...]

ADH send statements on the murder of Emilia Quan: ADH manda comunicados sobre el asesinato de Emilia Quan

Emilia Quan The ADH delegation currently in Cancún for the climate justice activities taking place here, received sad news from back home in Huehuetenango: the murder of Emilia Quan, an investigator with CEDFOG (Center for Studies and Documentation of the Western Border of Guatemala).   Emilia Quan and another CEDFOG employee, [...]

Interview with ADH representative in Cancún: Entrevista con representante de la ADH en Cancún

Today Francisco Mateo Morales spoke as a representative of the Assembly of Huehuetenango (ADH) in a Climate Dialogue panel about the position of indigenous peoples on the issue of climate change.  A delegation of members of the ADH has been participating in the alternative social movement activities organized in response [...]

Choc family initiates legal process against Canadian mining company for assassination of Adolfo Ich Chamán – Familia Choc inicia proceso legal en contra de compañía minera canadiense por el asesinato de Adolfo Ich Chamán

On December 1, 2010, Angélica Choc announced the initiation of legal proceedings against the Canadian mining company Hudbay Minerals Inc. and its Guatemalan subsidiary, Compañía Guatemalteca de Níquel S.A. (CGN), for their indirect responsibility in the September 27, 2009 murder of Angélica's husband, Adolfo Ich Chamán, at the hands of [...]

Communities present results of referenda – Comunidades presentan resultados de consultas

Representatives of the municipality of Cabricán prepare banners for the march to the Congress. Graham HuntRepresentantes del municipio de Cabricán arman pancartas para la marcha al Congreso. On Monday, November 29, representatives of the municipalities of Cabricán, Santa Cruz del Quiché, and Uspantán submitted to the Congress, the Ministry of [...]

Global Forum for Life, Environmental and Social Justice: Foro Global por la Vida, la Justicia Ambiental y Social

La Via Campesina is coordinating one of the alternative Cancún forums, bringing real solutions to climate change from the world's farmworkers.  La Via Campesina ha coordinado uno de los foros alternativos en Cancún, trayendo soluciones verdaderas al cambio climático desde los campesinos del mundo."Small Scale Sustainable Farmers are Cooling Down [...]

Cambia el Sistema, No el Clima! No a REDD! Banco Mundial Fuera del Clima!: Change the System, Not the Climate! No to REDD! World Bank out of the Climate!

Change the System, Not the Climate!  No to REDD!  World Bank out of the Climate!  These are the messages echoing in Cancún today, the first day of the International Foro for Climate Justice and the Dialogue of the People.www.dialogoclimatico.orgCambia el Sistema, No el Clima!  No a REDD!  Banco Mundial Fuera [...]

NISGUA and Assembly of Huehuetenango (ADH): Vamos a Cancún!

Global social justice mobilizations have arrived in Cancún to participate in alternative activities running parallel to the current round of UN climate negotiations, also known as COP16.  NISGUA is here with the Assembly of Huehuetenango (ADH), after traveling from Huehuetenango to San Cristobal de las Casa, where we joined a [...]

Cabricán: Quetzaltenango’s First Referendum / Primera consulta en Quetzaltenango

"The K'iche People's Council...Our land is our home.Good Faith Community Referendum in Santa Cruz del Quiche.""Consejo de Pueblos K'iche's... nuestra tierra es nuestra casa!Consulta Comunitaria de Buena Fe para Santa Cruz del Quiché"Delmi ArriazaThree consultas (community referendums) were organized in the Western Highlands of Guatemala in October 2010.  Since 2005, approximately 650,000 [...]

Santa Cruz del Quiche: Reorganizing Historic Resistance / Reorganizando la resistencia histórica

On October 22, 2010, more than eighty communities held simultaneous referendums on mining and hydroelectric dams planned for the municipality of Santa Cruz del Quiche.  Years of organizing and popular education preceded the day-long event.El 22 de octubre de 2010, más que 80 comunidades llevaron a cabo simultáneamente consultas sobre [...]

Uspantan: 25,000 Demand a Different Development / 25,000 exigen un desarrollo digno

Mayan ceremony held the night before the referendum.Se lleva a cabo una ceremonia la noche antes de la consulta.  Graham HuntOn October 28, one day before the referendum, helicopters and planes flew over one of the regional centers where organizers were planning to compile results.  The mayor also published a [...]

Dam-Affected Communities Speak Out for Free, Prior, Informed Consent

"We, the communities, want a development with dignity and justice, with harmony and respect for Mother Earth.”[i] Representatives from affected communities traveled to Guatemala City on September 30, 2010 to present their concerns and demands regarding the planned construction or inauguration of a number of large-scale hydroelectric projects throughout Guatemala.In [...]

2020-01-01T21:19:50+00:00November 2nd, 2010|Defense of life and territory|

James Anaya visit to Guatemala / James Anaya visita a Guatemala

UN Rapporteur James Anaya meets with Guatemalan indigenous groupsRelator James Anaya de la ONU reune con movimiento indígena de GuatemalaOn June 17, 2010, UN Special Rapporteur for Indigenous Rights James Anaya traveled to Huehuetenango, Guatemala, to meet with Maya organizations and communities struggling to defend their environmental and territorial rights [...]

Letter Campaign/Campaña de Cartas

International Community Demands Respect for Community Referendums in GuatemalaOn November 11, 2009, 700 signed letters were submitted to the President, Congress and various government institutions.Comunidad Internacional Exige Respeto para Consultas Comunitarias en GuatemalaEl 11 de noviembre 2009, 700 cartas firmadas fueron entregados al Presidente, Congreso y otras instituciones del estado.On [...]

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