The Assembly of Huehuetenango (ADH) and Climate Dialogue took to the streets today to bring the message of the forums into downtown Cancún!

La Asamblea de Huehuetenango (ADH) y el Diálogo Climático se fueron a las calles para traer el mensaje de los foros al pueblo de Cancún!

No Biofuels!  No False Solutions!

The caravan of organizations who travelled to the Forum together from Chiapas came together wearing masks denouncing transnational corporations.

La caravana de organizaciones quienes viajaron juntos al foro desde Chiapas se unieron con máscaras denunciando corporaciones transnacionales.

To fight for water is to fight for life.

The land is not to be sold, it is to be defended!

Luis Gonzalez of UNES/El Salvador and Pascual Bernabe of Assembly of Huehuetenango, joint speakers in the Pacific Northwest during the last NISGUA tour.
Luis Gonzalez de UNES/El Salvador y Pascual Bernabe de la Asamblea de Huehuetenango, presentadores en conjunto durante la última gira de NISGUA en el noroeste, EE.UU.
On the bus to the march meeting point.
En el bus yendo al punto de partida para la marcha.

Starting the march!  Empezando la marcha!
We have decided: We want well-being, that’s why we say No to Mining and Hydroelectric Dams!
Alianza de Justicia Global
 Member of the NISGUA family, Beth Geglia, documenting the activities
Miembra de la familia de NISGUA, Beth Geglia, documentando las actividades

Friends of the Earth
ADH members and the ADH logo (bottom right)
Miembros de la ADH y su logotipo (abajo derecho)
It is estimated there were approximately 3,000 people in the Climate Dialogue march.  
Se estima que approximadamente 3,000 personas participaron en la marcha de Diálogo Climático.