Blog Medium Image2017-11-25T19:35:42+00:00


(Español abajo) Maya-Ixil Human Rights survivors and victims of Guatemalan state-sponsored violence fight for asylum in the United States El Paso Immigration Lawyer Carlos Spector declares, “It’s the most significant case I’ve ever had.” El Paso, TX:  Gaspar Cobo and Francisco Chávez are Maya-Ixil human rights leaders and defenders of their ancestral lands. They were forced to flee [...]

By |March 19th, 2021|Categories: Justice and accountability|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Statement:22 years honoring the memory of the victims and survivors of the Internal Armed Conflict

Guatemalan authorities put a giant poster with national symbols outside the Congress. Social organizations covered it with pictures of the disappeared and victims of the Internal Armed Conflict during the February 25 commemoration. Photo credit: Edith López Ovalle February 25th [...]

Petición: Derechos humanos de los Pueblos indígenas en la migración

FIRMA LA PETICION INSCRIBETE PARA EL WEBINAR Los pueblos indígenas de Abiayala (en términos coloniales conocido cómo las Américas) continúan enfrentando los impactos directos de la continuación del colonialismo basado en la Doctrina del Descubrimiento: extracción impuesta de recursos naturales, impunidad por crímenes en contra de la humanidad, pobreza sistémica, robo indiscriminado de tierras ancestrales [...]

Petition: Indigenous Peoples’ Human Rights in Migration

SIGN THE PETITION TODAY REGISTER FOR THE WEBINAR Indigenous peoples of Abiayala (the Americas, in colonial terms) continue to face the destructive results of ongoing Doctrine of Discovery-based colonialism: imposed resource extraction, impunity for crimes against humanity, systemic poverty, robbing of ancestral lands, and more. Because national governments fail to uphold their human rights obligations, [...]

February Solidarity Update: ACAs suspended, updates from our partners, and a new volunteer opportunity!

These past few months have been full of challenges, victories, and continued perseverance. Continue reading below to join us in celebrating our wins, take action with us, and learn about the continued fight for justice for genocide survivors, land defenders, and all migrants and asylum seekers. Please also consider becoming a monthly donor with NISGUA and joining our team [...]

Termination of the ACAs! // ¡Terminación de los ACAs!

Three hundred community members organized by the ADH took over the Mesiilla check point on the Guatemala-Mexico border on August 9, protesting the "third safe country" agreement, systemic impunity & the invasion of their territories by extractive industry. Photo Credit: Departmental Assembly of Peoples of Huehuetenango (ADH) [español abajo] On February 5, 2021, the government of Guatemala [...]

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