Darkened background of photo of line of femmes with drums and chanting in front of a line of Guatemalan police. White text reads: 14th Annual Gathering in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala. SAVE THE DATE! Joy as Resistance: Trans-territorial organizing in the midst of global crisis. December 6, 5 pm PT/8 pm ET, Hosted on Zoom.

[español abajo]

Dear community,

This month, we share with you the concerns of Guatemalan human rights, and survivors organizations over changes to the Public Prosecutor’s Human Rights office. We also invite you to commemorate Indigenous people’s day by listening to their powerful leadership in the fight against the US immigration regime. Do not forget to save the date of our annual dinner, this year’s theme is: Joy as Resistance!

Querida comunidad,

Este mes compartimos con ustedes preocupaciones de organizaciones de sobrevivientes sobre los derechos humanos en Guatemala debido a los cambios a la Fiscalía de Derechos Humanos. Además, les invitamos a conmemorar el Día de los Pueblos Indígenas y observar el  liderazgo de los pueblos indígenas en la lucha contra el sistema de inmigracion de los EE.UU. ¡No olviden marcar la fecha de nuestra cena anual con el tema de La Alegría como Resistencia!

Read the Solidarity Update here