Mining license approved in wake of violence, investigation into murder pending

Today, NISGUA and the International Coalition against Unjust Mining in Guatemala (CAMIGUA), presented a petition with over 4,000 signatures to Guatemalan Attorney General Claudia Paz y Paz asking her to launch an investigation into the murder of Xinca leader Exaltación Marcos Ucelo. Ucelo was abducted, together with three other [...]

2019-12-27T18:43:22+00:00April 8th, 2013|Defense of life and territory, Escobal|

Exploitation License Granted for Tahoe Resources Escobal Project in Context of Escalating Violence

Communities in the departments of Santa Rosa and Jalapa have been peacefully resisting the proposed Escobal silver mine, operated by Minera San Rafael, Guatemalan Subsidiary of Canada's Tahoe Resources for more than three years. Since 2011, residents have carried out eight community consultations in which more than 35,000 people [...]

2019-12-27T18:30:48+00:00April 5th, 2013|Defense of life and territory, Escobal|

Rubén Herrera, member of the Departmental Assembly of Huehuetenango (ADH), Arrested in Barillas Case

URGENT COMMUNIQUE from the Departmental Assembly of Huehuetenango in Defense of Territory (ADH) *Official Translation by NISGUA Spanish below It is with great concern that we share the unfortunate news that today, March 15, at 7:30 in the morning, Rubén Herrera, a member of the coordination of the ADH, [...]

2019-12-27T17:36:56+00:00March 15th, 2013|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

Communities in San Rafael Las Flores say NO to Tahoe Resources’ Escobal Project

Last weekend, 93% of the population of Los Planes rejected Tahoe Resources' proposed Escobal project, voting NO to chemical mineral mining on their territory. This good-faith referendum, organized by local authorities, is the second of 26 community referenda plannedin the municipality of San Rafael Las Flores. The first referendum, [...]

2019-12-27T17:22:06+00:00March 7th, 2013|Defense of life and territory, Escobal|

CPO Denounces Delay in Ruling on Guatemala’s Mining Law | Statement by the Western People’s Council

In July 2012 Guatemala’s Constitutional Court heard a landmark case challenging the constitutionality of the 1997 Mining Law. The legal action, presented by the Western Peoples’ Council (CPO), contends that the current law is unconstitutional because it fails to fulfill national and international mandates that require the State to [...]

2019-12-27T18:31:04+00:00February 28th, 2013|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

Guatemalan Government Restarts Xalalá Hydroelectric Dam Project in Spite of Community Opposition

In response to the government’s announcement that it will restart the bidding process for the construction of the Xalalá hydroelectric dam in 2013, a delegation from the affected region traveled to the capital to present their concerns and speak out against the negative impacts that communities are already suffering [...]

2019-12-27T17:22:23+00:00January 14th, 2013|Defense of life and territory, Xalalá Dam|

Across Guatemala: Communities Continue to Defend Their Right to Life

In September of this year NISGUA reported on the series of violent attacks against community members in San Rafael Las Flores, Santa Rosa and Mataquescuintla, Jalapa who were peacefully resisting the advancement of the Escobal silver mine project. The Escobal mine is operated by Minería San Rafael S.A. a [...]

2019-12-27T17:47:32+00:00December 17th, 2012|Defense of life and territory, Escobal, Huehuetenango|

Tensions Continue at La Puya: Community Members in Resistance Threatened with Eviction

Following over nine months of non-violent peaceful resistance to the El Tambor mining project and increased intimidation and threats during the past month, the situation at La Puya escalated last Friday, December 7th, when over 300 National Civil Police (PNC) agents and 50 patrol trucks arrived, threatening to evict [...]

2019-12-27T18:31:46+00:00December 14th, 2012|Defense of life and territory, La Puya|

Indigenous and Farmworker Organizations Urge Guatemalan Congress to Approve Initiative 4084

Since this Tuesday, November 27th, indigenous and rural farmworker organizations were present in the Guatemalan Congress calling for the approval of Initiative 4048, a Comprehensive Rural Development Law. The Initiative, first introduced in Congress in February 2009, is the product of over twelve years of work by indigenous and [...]

2018-02-05T21:14:06+00:00November 30th, 2012|Defense of life and territory|

Indigenous protesters killed in Totonicapan, Guatemala

At least six protesters were killed and dozens wounded this afternoon in repression of a protest organized by the representatives of 48 indigenous K'iche communities of Totonicapan, Guatemala. According to Guatemala Indymedia Center and social movement organizations, the protesters were shot by Guatemalan military personnel. The autonomous indigenous government of the 48 cantones (communities) of Totonicapan [...]

“Another blow to the Maya people, in the style of Mano Dura”

"Population of Totonicapán holds a wake for 6 campesinos killed during confrontation yesterday" Source: AFP Another blow to the Maya people, in the style of Mano Dura Statement by the Departmental Assembly of Huehuetenango October 4, 2012 The Departmental Assembly of Huehuetenango -ADH- before national and international public opinion, [...]

2019-12-27T19:03:34+00:00October 5th, 2012|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

Criminalization and Violence Erupt in the Shadow of the Escobal Mine

In recent weeks the municipality of San Rafael Las Flores has seen growing conflict around the installation of the Escobal silver mine, owned by the Canadian corporation Tahoe Resources. Local community organizers and allies from the Center for Legal, Environmental and Social Action (CALAS) denounced in August a wave [...]

2019-12-27T18:22:24+00:00September 25th, 2012|Defense of life and territory, Escobal|

Tribunal 2012: “We are defending the life of all humanity with our struggle”

Participants listen as the international tribunal pronounces its final sentence. Graham Hunt On July 14 and 15, 2012, participants from throughout Mesoamerica and North America gathered in San Miguel Ixtahuacán, in northwest Guatemala, for the first ever International People's Health Tribunal.  Over two days, the panel of judges listened [...]

2019-12-27T17:39:53+00:00July 16th, 2012|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

Mobilizing for Goldcorp’s 2012 Meeting of Shareholders

NISGUA, in coalition with our Guatemalan and international partners, prepared  actions, events and materials for Goldcorp's Annual General Meeting of shareholders held on April 26, 2012 in northern Ontario.  Alfonso Jiménez Morales participated in events as a representative of the Departmental Assembly of Huehuetenango (ADH), which some of you will remember [...]

Member of K’iche’ People’s Council Murdered – Asesinan a miembro del Consejo de Pueblos K’iche’s

On June 12, José Tavico Tzunun was murdered in his home.  José was a member of the K'iche' People's Council, an organizer for the 2010 community referendum in Santa Cruz del Quiché,  and an active community leader. K'iche' People's Council members announce the 2010 referendum results. We express our [...]

2019-12-27T18:33:11+00:00June 15th, 2012|Defense of life and territory|

We are all Barillas – Statement of the Western Peoples’ Council

Unofficial translation by NISGUAComunicado original en español¡In Defense of Life, Territory, Mother Earth and the collective Rights of our Peoples!  “WE ARE ALL BARILLAS” No to the submission of the Guatemalan state to multinational companies.  Yes to life.To: Our indigenous brothers and sisters around the worldAnd the national and international [...]

2020-01-01T21:27:01+00:00May 11th, 2012|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|


*URGENT COMMUNIQUE*To the national and international public, regarding the recent events in the municipality of Santa Cruz Barillas Huehuetenango, WE DECLARE:Yesterday, at around one o'clock in the afternoon, armed men ambushed three community leaders as they returned from the municipal center to their nearby community of Posa Verde, where the [...]

Take Action! Sign Petition on Goldcorp’s Marlin Mine

Participe en la acción urgente dirigida a Goldcorp - Versión en españolCanadian mining company with U.S. investors could leave indigenous communities with multi-million dollar bill to pay.We need your support to help defend the rights of indigenous peoples affected by mining in Guatemala's western highlands.On April 26, Goldcorp will hold [...]

2020-01-01T21:08:53+00:00April 20th, 2012|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

2011: The Most Violent Year for Human Rights Defenders

2011: The Most Violent Year for Human Rights DefendersThe Human Rights Defenders Protection Unit – Guatemala (Unidad de Protección a Defensoras y Defensores de Derechos Humanos – Guatemala; UDEFEGUA) reports that, according to our records, 2011 was the most violent year so far for human rights defenders. We counted a [...]

FREDEMI Denounces Intimidation – FREDEMI denuncia persecución

Español abajo FREDEMI: Public denunciation of the persecution against defenders of land and collective rights: the persecution of Gregoria Crisanta Pérez  On Wednesday August 31st at approximately 3:30 pm in San Miguel Ixtahuacán, Ms. Gregoria Crisanta Pérez was leaving the village of Máquivil on her way to her home in [...]

2019-12-27T19:39:05+00:00September 8th, 2011|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

Residents of Santa Cruz Chinautla denounce eco-ethnocide

Graham HuntIn a press conference on September 1, 2011, members of the Community Development Committee--COCODE--of the municipality of Santa Cruz Chinautla, accompanied by women, men, youth and elders, denounced before the national and international community the degradation of the Chinautla river basin, a situation which they characterize as an eco-ethnocide [...]

2019-12-27T19:40:05+00:00September 1st, 2011|Defense of life and territory|

Study presented regarding costs related to closing the Marlin Mine

Steve Laudeman.  According to the text of the study, Laudeman is "A geological and civil engineer with 21 years of experience in dangerous materials, management of residues, construction of highways, mines and quarries, as well as infrastructure for nature reserves."Graham HuntOn July 27, 2011, in Guatemala City, the study "Issues [...]

2019-12-27T19:41:16+00:00July 28th, 2011|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

Public Declaration of the Mam and Kiche’ Peoples of the Department of Quetzaltenango, Guatemala

 Graham HuntIn a press conference carried out in Guatemala City on July 12, 2011, community leaders presented the following:PUBLIC DECLARATION OF THE MAM AND KICHE' PEOPLES OFTHE DEPARTMENT OF QUETZALTENANGO, GUATEMALAThe municipalities of the Mam territory of Quetzaltenango: Huitán, Cajolá, San Miguel Siguilá San Juan Ostuncalco, San Martín Sacatepéquez and [...]

2019-12-27T19:42:47+00:00July 12th, 2011|Defense of life and territory|

Constitutional Court grants injunction, provisionally halts regulation of community referenda

On March 23, 2011, representatives of municipalities that have carried out referenda, articulated in the Consejo de Pueblos de Occidente (CPO), filed an injunction demanding that the government desist in its efforts to regulate community referenda.  Graham HuntOn April 25, 2011, Guatemala's Constitutional Court resolved to grant a provisional injunction [...]

2020-01-01T21:07:45+00:00June 3rd, 2011|Defense of life and territory|

Maya Mam People Declare Mining-Free Territory

Graham HuntOn May 18, 2011, in a massively attended ceremony carried out among the temples of Zaculeu, the Maya Mam People of Huehuetenango declared their territory mining-free.  In the presence of community, municipal and ancestral authorities from Mam territory, as well as delegations from other departments, community leaders presented the [...]

2020-01-01T21:07:57+00:00May 27th, 2011|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

Media from NISGUA tour, Mining and Violence: Indigenous Women Resist

We are excited to present multi-media available from our recent speaking tour.Concluding the Latin American Solidarity Conference in Washington, D.C., activists participated in the SOA Watch's march on the White House, demanding the closing of the School of the Americas-Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (SOA-WHINSEC).  See interview with tour [...]

2020-01-01T21:08:24+00:00May 24th, 2011|Defense of life and territory|
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