Blog Medium Image2017-11-25T19:35:42+00:00

Rivers for Life: ACODET Denounces Criminalization and Attacks on Water Defenders

In the past few weeks, water defenders in Guatemala have faced growing threats. Last Friday, Q'eqchi' community leader Bernardo Caal Xol was unjustly sentenced to seven years and four months in prison in Cobán. He was convicted of illegal detention and aggravated robbery, despite contradictory and insufficient evidence presented by the Public Prosecutor's office. Caal has been repeatedly targeted for his [...]

Open for signatures: International statement of Indigenous Peoples on the right to self-determination

Español abajo. The following statement was written by Indigenous communities in the Ixcán, Cobán, and Uspantán regions of Guatemala. At the request of the authors, NISGUA invites Indigenous and Indigenous-descendent individuals and Indigenous-led organizations to add their signatures. To sign on, please email NISGUA's Guatemala Programs Coordinator, Becky Kaump, at For individual signatures, please include name, location, and, [...]

By |November 9th, 2018|Categories: Defense of life and territory|0 Comments

Boletín de ACOGUATE: septiembre-octubre 2018

En este boletín el equipo de ACOGUATE subraya varios desarrollos en casos jurídicos de alto perfil, incluyendo el caso por genocidio, el caso de Las Dos Erres y el caso de la Mina San Rafael. También explica unos puntos en la coyuntura de Quiché y Ixquisis. ¡Haz clic en la foto abajo para leer más!

Solidarity Update: October 2018

Solidarity Update news recap: NISGUA’s Fall Speaking Tour Kicks Off in November; AJR President, Edwin Canil, speaks on the fight for justice for genocide in "Learning From Survivors" talk;  NISGUA welcomes a new GAP cohort; Former accompanier and NISGUA fellow Claire Bransky holds "500 Years Screening: Life in Resistance from Guatemala to Minnesota" event; Violent attacks committed against Peaceful Resistance of Ixquisis; [...]

“So much to learn” – Meet the Organizers of Our Fall Speaking Tour

For decades, NISGUA has used grassroots speaking tours as a tool to build cross-border, people-to-people connections between social movements in the U.S. and Guatemala. With the support of scores of volunteers, activists, and organizers, NISGUA speaking tours have cultivated deeper understandings of the common forces our communities are up against, as well as the nuances of working under distinct [...]

Maya Mam environmental activist José Gómez of ACODET to tour the U.S.

MEDIA ADVISORY Contact: David Imhoff, (510) 763-1403, Event Details: Maya Mam Indigenous Water Defender to visit Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico & Washington (Guatemala City/Oakland, CA): José Gómez, Maya Mam community leader and co-coordinator of the Association of Communities for Development and the Defense of Land and Natural Resources (ACODET), will tour the western United States in November to [...]

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