Blog Medium Image2017-11-25T19:35:42+00:00

Xinka Parliament: Ministries have failed to execute consultation over Escobal mine

Representatives of the Xinka Parliament speak with the press following their press conference on December 18. PRESS RELEASE THE MINISTRIES OF ENERGY AND MINES AND OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES HAVE FAILED TO EXECUTE THE CONSULTATION OF THE XINKA PEOPLE REGARDING THE ESCOBAL MINE It has been a year since the issuance of the enforcement order [...]

International Human Rights Day Statement from survivors of the Internal Armed Conflict

Survivors of the Internal Armed Conflict at their Press Conference. Photo Credit: Impunity Watch Statement on International Human Rights Day The Victims and Survivors of the Internal Armed Conflict, convened in National Assembly, declare before national and international public opinion that: 1. We publicly condemn the weakening of all peace and human rights institutions, like the [...]

Human Rights Ombudsman makes recommendations on consultation over Escobal mine

A banner reads: "Xinkas: never conquered, eternally respected." Summary of Recommendations from Guatemala’s Human Rights Ombudsman (PDH) on the Court-Ordered Consultation over the Escobal mine A report on the status of the Constitutional Court-ordered consultation with the Xinka people over the future of the Escobal silver mine from Guatemala’s Human Rights Ombudsman (PDH), first published in [...]

Statement: Maya Achi survivors present a complaint against Judge Claudette Dominguez for racism and discrimination

On December 5, 36 Achi women survivors of sexual violence presented a formal complaint of racism and discrimination against judge Claudette Domínguez. Previously in June, Judge Claudette Domínguez dismissed charges against three of the six ex-Civil Defense Patrollers (ex-PAC) accused of crimes against humanity and sexual violence in this case. She then provisionally closed the case against the other [...]

By |December 14th, 2019|Categories: Justice and accountability|Tags: |0 Comments

November Solidarity Update 2019

October Solidarity Update 2019

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