Statement: Consultation of Neighbors in rejection of all mining activity in Asunciòn Mita, Jutiapa.
September 2022 ASSEMBLY OF THE PEOPLES OF HUEHUETENANGO IN DEFENSE OF THE TERRITORY, FOR THE AUTONOMY AND SELF-DETERMINATION OF THE PEOPLES -ADH-. The Assembly of the Peoples of Huehuetenango -ADH, categorically rejects the imposition of the extractive model, which is expressed in mining, hydroelectric and other forms of exploitation of natural resources, which has only benefited the extractive companies, [...]
Statement: Start of discussion against 21 comrades of the Chicoyogüito Community Criminalized for holding demonstrations
Start of discussion Against 21 comrades of the Chicoyoguito Community Criminalized for holding demonstrations Today, September 8, more than a year after 21 of our comrades from the Maya Q’eqchi’ community of Chocoyoguito were detained when we began a peaceful demonstration, the oral and public debate begins through a process connected to a resolution that shows how social protest [...]
Statement UDEFEGUA: Increased repression and political persecution
Guatemala Increased repression and political persecution Situation of individuals, organizations and communities that defend human rights January to June 2022 Since 2021, the Unit for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders -Guatemala (UDEFEGUA) has expressed its concern about the deteriorating political, economic and social environment to which the government of Alejandro Giammattei has subjected the Guatemalan population in [...]
Statement Indigenous Council of Nebaj, Quiché.
Ixil Region B'OQ'OL Q'ESAL TENAM NAAB'A' INDIGENOUS COUNCIL OF NEBAJ, EL QUICHÉ LOS B'OQ'OL Q'ESAL TENAM NAAB'A' TO THE MAYA IXIL PEOPLE, THE NATIONAL, AND INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY, WE COMMUNICATE: 1. We have information about the arbitrary and illegal decision of the Municipal Mayor Virgilio Geronimo Bernal Guzman; First Trustee Francisco Brito Ceto; Second Trustee Felipe Santiago Marcos; First Councilman [...]
Actualización Solidaria de Agosto: Somos Territorios en Resistencia
Mesa Trans-Territorial NISGUA está feliz de anunciar que hemos seleccionado los 9 proyectos participantes de la Mesa Trans Territorial. Aquí elles tienen la oportunidad de aprender y crecer colectivamente a través de un intercambio directo durante las reuniones de la mesa. La mesa será una oportunidad para Guatemaltecos de la diaspora y organizadores basades en Guatemala, artistas visuales, [...]
August Solidarity Update: We Are Territories in Resistance
Trans-Territorial Table The Trans-Territorial Table will strengthen specific struggles, create shared knowledge across movements, and deepen the collective project for liberated territories from Turtle Island to Ixim Ulew. NISGUA is happy to announce that we selected the 9 project participants of the Trans-Territorial Table. Here they have the opportunity to learn and grow collectively through a direct exchange [...]