
February 2017

Solidarity Update: February 2017

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Photo: Holly Sheenan.  News recap: Celebrating the one-year anniversary of the Sepur Zarco verdict; Civil suit continues against the Ministry of Energy and Mines, in an attempt to cancel Las Lajitas license; Hundreds respond to calls for [...]

January 2017

Júbilo de organizaciones internacionales ante avance que sienta precedente de demanda civil contra Tahoe Resources en Canadá por violencia en Guatemala

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30 de enero de 2017 (Guatemala/Montreal/Ottawa/Reno/Tatamagouche/Toronto/Washington, DC) Organizaciones de la sociedad civil canadienses y estadounidenses reciben con entusiasmo la decisión del Tribunal de Apelaciones de Columbia Británica que Vancouver constituye el foro más adecuado [...]

International organizations celebrate precedent-setting step toward justice in civil suit against Tahoe Resources in Canada for violence in Guatemala

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January 27, 2017 (Guatemala/ Montreal/Ottawa/Reno/Tatamagouche/Toronto/Washington, DC) Canadian and US civil society organizations wholeheartedly welcome a British Columbia Court of Appeals’ decision that Vancouver is the preferred forum for a civil suit to be heard [...]

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