Guatemalan National Organizations denounce NGO law
On February 14, Guatemalan Congress approved law Decree 4-2020, formerly known as Bill 5257, or the NGO Law. Guatemalan social movements have pointed out that this initiative is antidemocratic, regressive, limits political rights, and threatens people who work in the defense of life. We are extremely worried about the impacts this will have on our Guatemalan partners and allied international organizations. [...]
National and International Organizations Condemn Approval of NGO Law and Urge Use of the Presidential Veto to Guarantee Fundamental Rights
Graphic by CEJIL, Center for Justice and International Law. As NISGUA we thank CEJIL for their leadership in creating this letter.
Organizaciones nacionales e internacionales condenamos aprobación de ley de ONGs y urgimos el veto presidencial para garantizar derechos fundamentales
Gráfico por CEJIL, Centro por la Justicia y el Derecho Internacional. Exhortamos al presidente de la República de Guatemala a ejercer el veto presidencial sobre el Decreto 04-2020, dada la situación de grave riesgo para el ejercicio de los derechos de asociación, libertad de expresión y de defensa de los derechos humanos. Entre otros aspectos, la reforma [...]
Gira 2020: “Movimientos Ancestrales: Territorio Indígena y Migración” con Asociación Pop No’j
A causa del brote de COVID-19, hemos decidido cancelar todas las actividades en persona de nuestra gira de 2020. Lamentamos mucho hacer este anuncio y estamos muy agradecides por todes les anfitrionas en Nuevo México, Arizona y Los Ángeles que han estado organizando y planeando eventos durante los últimos meses. Y, por supuesto, apreciamos mucho al apoyo y liderazgo [...]
Tour 2020: “Ancestral Movements: Indigenous Territory and Migration” with Association Pop No’j
In light of the COVID-19 outbreak, we have decided to cancel all in-person tour stops for our spring 2020 tour. We are sad to make this announcement and we are incredibly grateful for all those in New Mexico, Arizona, and Los Angeles who have been organizing and planning events for the past several months. However, as internationalists seeking to [...]