July 2020: Rubén Herrera Presente!
Beloved community, we write this Solidarity Update with broken hearts. Rubén Herrera of the Departmental Assembly of Peoples of Huehuetenango (ADH) passed away on July 22. We honor Rubén and we stand in solidarity with Rubén's family and the ADH. We also invite you to watch the new video from our campaign to defund the Asylum [...]
In loving memory of Rubén Herrera // ¡Rubén Herrera presente!
Rubén walks between a line of police and protestors outside the Huehuetenango city government building. On this day, Rubén and the ADH led a march against the ACAs and the militarization of Huehuetenango by the U.S. military. [español abajo] NISGUA joins comrades across Guatemala and the world in grief at the loss of Rubén Herrera, who [...]
Organizations deliver petition with 2000+ signatures against the Asylum Cooperative Agreements (ACAs)
learn more and take action Migrants’ rights organizations deliver petition with 2000+ signatures against the Asylum Cooperative Agreements (ACAs) Leer en español Today, a broad coalition of Central and North American organizations delivered a petition to the U.S. Congress with more than 2000 signatures against the Asylum Cooperative Agreements (ACAs). The agreements, also known as “safe [...]
Se entrega petición con más de 2000 firmas en contra de los ACAs
APRENDEr MAS y tomar accion Organizaciones pro migrantes entregan petición al congreso estadounidense con más de 2000 firmas en contra de los Acuerdos de Cooperación de Asilo (ACAs) Read in English Una amplia coalición de organizaciones centroamericanas y norteamericanas hoy entregaron una petición al congreso estadounidense con más de 2000 firmas en contra de los Acuerdos [...]
19 Organizaciones rechazan el golpe técnico contra la Corte de Constitucionalidad
[English below] The Constitutional Court is the highest body of defense for the Political Constitution of the Republic. (Photo: La Asamblea Departamental de Pueblos de Huehuetenango- ADH) Alta Corte de Justicia de Guatemala Las instituciones internacionales de derechos humanos firmantes expresamos nuestra profunda preocupación ante una ofensiva en curso que promueve un golpe contra la independencia [...]
Accompanier Perspectives: Connecting — Zapatistas, Feminist Teachings, and Neocolonialism in Guatemala
[Christina Reyes, NISGUA Internacionalista, wrote and sent this letter in early January 2020. It now includes modifications they made in early March 2020 for International Women’s Day] Hello loved ones, I hope this message reaches y'all in a time and space where the world isn't weighing so heavily on y'all, even though I know it's difficult. Sending you all [...]