
October 2013

September 2013

Communities in Totonicapán and Quetzaltenango hold community referenda on mining

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"The Council of Ancestral Authorities of the 31 communities of Momostenango welcomes you to the good faith community consultation" (All Photos: NISGUA) On Sunday September 1, the municipality of Momostenango held the third community [...]

Organizaciones indígenas guatemaltecas denuncian al estado por la ley minera ante la CIDH

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Fuente: Consejo del Pueblo Maya de Occidente (CPO) – Red en Solidaridad con el Pueblo de Guatemala (NISGUA) – Alerta Minera Canadá – Centro para el Derecho Ambiental Internacional (CIEL) (Ciudad de Guatemala/Ottawa/Washington) Martes, el [...]

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