La Resistencia a las Represas Hidroeléctricas en Guatemala: Una Cuestión de Vida y Muerte
Foto: Nómada El siguiente artículo fue escrito por Zia Kandler y publicado en inglés en la revista electrónica, Upside Down World. Fue traducida a español por la autora y publicado aquí con permiso de la autora y Upside Down World. Zia Kandler era testigo presencial de este conflicto durante 10 meses en su labor como observadora internacional de derechos humanos [...]
NISGUA’s 2017 tour speaking tour brings together youth organizers in defense of life
NISGUA partnered with Jalapa-based youth organization, Youth Organized in Defense of Life (JODVID), for a 16-day U.S. speaking tour, “Guatemalan Youth in Defense of Land and Life.” Together we helped raise awareness about the community and youth forces that have organized in resistance to Tahoe Resources' Escobal silver mine in southeastern Guatemala and the human rights abuses that surround the project. [...]
Accompanier Perspectives: From Huehuetenango to Omaha, NE
The Maya Q’anjob’al Nation takes their defense of land and life in Huehuetenango transnational through community organizing in both Guatemala and the U.S. Caya Simonsen worked for 6 months as a NISGUA accompanier in Huehuetenango and shares her experience visiting the Maya Q’anjob’al Nation in both Guatemala and her hometown of Omaha, NE. Through its Guatemala Accompaniment Project (GAP), NISGUA [...]
Give Senator Heller the facts he badly needs about Tahoe Resources
In August, Nevada Senator Dean Heller wrote to the U.S. State Department to lobby for Tahoe Resources, a Canadian company headquartered in Reno. At the time, Tahoe’s operating license for its flagship Escobal mine in Guatemala had been suspended by Guatemala’s highest court over failure to consult with the Xinca Indigenous people. Almost immediately, Tahoe’s stock dropped 40% as investors [...]
Peaceful Resistance Camp in Casillas protests in front of Guatemalan Constitutional Court
Members of the Peaceful Resistance Camp in Casillas have created a second camp in front of the Guatemalan Constitutional Court. They arrived one week ago and will remain until court justices make a decision on the permanent closure of Tahoe Resources' Escobal mine. The Peaceful Resistance in Casillas is made up of groups from at [...]
AJR ¡Presente! in ongoing genocide retrial
Today, Survivors of massacres in the 80s from Chimaltenango traveled to participate in the trial against Rodríguez Sánchez for the Ixil genocide. The AJR (Association for Justice and Reconciliation) is made up of survivors from 5 regions in Guatemala and solidarity between communities has been their foundation since their formation. ¡AJR Presente! Photo credit: José Silvio T. [...]