Press realease from the Assembly of the People of Huehuetenango
Before national and international public opinion, we make it known that: The ASSEMBLY OF THE PEOPLE OF HUEHUETENANGO IN DEFENSE OF TERRITORY AND FOR THE AUTONOMY AND FREE DETERMINATION [...]
4th Municipal Water Protection Agreement – Municipality of Aguacatán
For years the Departmental Assembly of the People of Huehuetenango (ADH) has remained strong in the defense of the territory from different strategies, last June 21, 2023, the 4th [...]
4to Acuerdo Municipal de Protección al Agua – Municipio de Aguacatán
Durante años la Asamblea Departamental de los Pueblos de Huehuetenango (ADH) ha permanecido firme en la defensa del territorio desde diferentes estrategias, el pasado 21 de junio de 2023, [...]
Actualización Solidaria de Agosto ✊🏽
Este mes para Guatemala y sus luchas ha significado la reafirmación de que la lucha por la vida y dignidad será en sus formas, o no será. Por un [...]
12 Inalienable Principles for the Defense of Water and Territory
Protection of all existing water in Guatemala / Protección de toda el agua existente en Guatemala Recognize the right to a minimal amount of potable water and water for [...]
August Solidarity Update ✊🏽
This month for Guatemala and its struggles has meant the reaffirmation that the struggle for life and dignity will be in its forms, or it will not be. On [...]