
January 2017

Solidarity Update: January 2017

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Photo: Francisco Simon, Prensa Comunitaria News recap: Former Kaibil, accused of participating in Dos Erres massacre, arrested in Maryland; Elderly protester killed in the Ixquisis region, Huehuetenango; Former Guatemalan Minister of Energy and Mines arrested in [...]

Ante la represión en contra de las comunidades defensoras de los derechos de las comunidades que integran la Micro Región de Ixquisis, San Mateo Ixtatán, Huehuetenango

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Hoy, 17 de enero de 2017, las comunidades de la Micro Región de Ixquisis, de San Mateo Ixtatán, Huehuetenango, que defienden los derechos humanos, su territorio, la vida y los bienes naturales, realizaron una [...]

Repression of communities defending their rights in the Ixquisis Region, San Mateo Ixtatán, Huehuetenango

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On January 17, 2017, community members from the Ixquisis region, located in northern Huehuetenango, held a demonstration against the construction of three hydroelectric projects by the company Promoción y Desarrollos Hídricos, Sociedad Anónima (PDH, SA). That afternoon, [...]

December 2016

CALAS busca aumentar medidas de seguridad después del asesinato del miembro de personal

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Thelma Esperanza Aldana Hernández de López, Fiscal General de la República, Jefe del Ministerio Público Correo: fiscalgeneral@mp.gob.gt 15 Avenida 15-16 zona 1, Barrio Gerona, 8o nivel, Ciudad de Guatemala FAX: + 502.2411-9124/ + 502.2411-9326 [...]

CALAS seeks increased security measures after staff member is murdered

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Today NISGUA, along with other environmental and social justice organizations from the Unites States and Canada, sent a letter to Guatemalan Attorney General and the Minister of the Interior asking that necessary actions be taken to [...]

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