
June 2017

Communities maintain peaceful demonstration in protest of negative impacts of Tahoe Resources’ mine in Guatemala

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Featured photo credit: Jorge Tobías Pineda Herrera Since June 7, 2017, communities surrounding Tahoe Resources’ Escobal mine in southeastern Guatemala have maintained a 24-hour peaceful protest of mine-related traffic. They are denouncing the constant tremors [...]

Demanda contra Tahoe Resources en Canadá obtiene visto bueno para ir a juicio, se considera la punta del iceberg con respecto a riesgos

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12 de junio de 2017 (Ottawa/Oakland/Tatamagouche/Toronto/Washington D.C.) El lunes se emitió una alerta para inversionistas advirtiendo que los históricos desarrollos con respecto a la demanda contra Tahoe Resources en Canadá es tan sólo uno de [...]

Lawsuit against Tahoe Resources cleared for trial in Canada, ‘Tip of the Iceberg’ with regard to risks 

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June 12, 2017 (Ottawa/Oakland/Tatamagouche/Toronto/Washington D.C.) An investor alert released today warns that historic developments in the lawsuit against Tahoe Resources in Canada is just one indicator of serious risks surrounding its Escobal silver mine in [...]

May 2017

Se solicita a la Comisión de Valores de Columbia Británica investigar a minera por no revelar información sustancial a inversionistas

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Comunicado de Prensa (CIUDAD DE GUATEMALA/OAKLAND/TORONTO/OTTAWA/TATAMAGOUCHE) – Mientras en los tribunales de Columbia Británica avanza una demanda civil contra Tahoe Resources por violencia es su mina Escobal en Guatemala, organizaciones de derechos humanos instan a [...]

British Columbia Securities Commission Asked to Investigate Mining Company’s Failure to Disclose Material Facts to Investors

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Justice and Corporate Accountability Project (JCAP) – Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA) – Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network (BTS) – MiningWatch Canada – Diocesan Committee in Defense of Nature (CODIDENA) (Guatemala [...]

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