
November 2013

“Justice for genocide: A survivor’s story” visits the Midwest

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“We are here in the United States asking for your solidarity. Borders divide us, but justice is a fundamental pillar of democracy” -Anselmo Roldán to the international community From November 7-11, NISGUA visited six [...]

“Justice for genocide: A survivor’s story” visits Los Angeles

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The Guatemala Education and Action Project (GEAP) hosted NISGUA and the Association for Justice and Reconciliation (AJR) on our third tour stop in Los Angeles. GEAP's events included a press conference, community event and [...]

Sobrevivientes entregan denuncia contra el estado de Guatemala por denegación de justicia en el caso de genocidio

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 DENUNCIA INTERNACIONAL CONTRA ESTADO DE GUATEMALA POR DENEGACION DE JUSTICIA EN EL CASO DE GENOCICIO Washington D.C. 06 de noviembre 2013.- Víctimas sobrevivientes del genocidio en Guatemala y organizaciones sociales, interpusieron hoy, ante la [...]

October 2013

Take action: Tell Tahoe Resources to pack its bags and leave Guatemala!

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The time has come to support community resistance to the Escobal mine by echoing their voices internationally.  Take Action! Write Kevin McArthur, President of Tahoe Resources, to demand the company respect communities' right to [...]

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