Statement: As it was in the 80’s
In the last few weeks, protests are growing in Guatemala due to the mismanagement of the pandemic and the lack of an appropriate state response to hurricanes Eta and Iota, the outrageous 2021 budget, and the systematic corruption and impunity of the ruling class. Therefore, human rights organizations and social movements are calling for the immediate resignation of the [...]
November solidarity update // Boletín de noviembre
Picture from one of ACODET’s women’s leadership workshops. Photo credit: ACODET // Foto de uno de los talleres de ACODET de liderazgo de mujeres. Crédito de foto: ACODET Read our solidarity update here! // ¡Lea nuestro boletín aquí! In this solidarity update, we hope you find inspiration in ACODET’s leadership workshops for women and sense [...]
Statement: The Appointment of Roberto Molina as a Constitutional Court Judge is another action of the pact of the corrupts
On November 10, the Guatemala Supreme Court elected Roberto Molina Barreto to the Constitutional Court (CC), replacing Judge Bonerge Mejía, who died of COVID-19 in September. In 2013, when Molina Barreto was also serving on the CC, he voted to overturn Ríos Montt's genocide conviction. Years later, in December 2018, he was a candidate for vice president, as a [...]
Statement: For the right to peaceful protest and against government repression!
After the Guatemalan government heavily repressed on Saturday 21 a peaceful demonstration that had initially being call against the 2021 budget, human rights organizations and social movements are calling for the immediate resignation of the president and vice president, and some civil society groups are calling for a constitutional assembly. We share the statement of several organizations below. For [...]
#NoNosPela // Solidarity with the Guatemalan uprisings
WHAT IS HAPPENING IN GUATEMALA? For centuries, the elite of Guatemala have consolidated their power by violently robbing resources from the Indigenous majority. In recent history, the oligarchy has maintained its control through militarized violence, mass corruption, systemic impunity, and strategic alliances with the U.S. government and multinational corporations. This systemic racism and corruption has been apparent through the [...]
#NoNosPela // Solidaridad con los levantamientos guatemaltecos
¿QUÉ ESTÁ PASANDO EN GUATEMALA? Durante siglos, la élite guatemalteca ha consolidado su poder al robar violentamente recursos a la mayoría Indígena. En la historia reciente, la oligarquía ha mantenido su control a través de violencia militarizada, corrupción masiva, impunidad sistémica y alianzas estratégicas con el gobierno estadounidense y las corporaciones multinacionales. Este racismo y corrupción sistémicos se evidencia [...]