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Accompanier Perspectives: Women Seek Justice in Maya Achí Sexual Violence Case

2019-12-25T00:41:26+00:00May 3rd, 2019|Accompanier Perspectives, Justice and accountability|

Maya Achi women demanding justice for sexual violence enter the court for a trial date in the case's intermediate phase. Photo credit: ACOGUATE Current accompanier, Tal Netter-Sweet, shares their experience of accompanying Maya Achí women who survived sexual violence committed by civil defense patrols, operating [...]

Accompanier Perspectives: Connecting Struggles for Justice Across Borders

2019-12-25T00:43:00+00:00March 8th, 2019|Accompanier Perspectives, Justice and accountability|

Current NISGUA accompanier Meredith Wilkinson shares the journey that brought her to accompaniment and the lessons she'll take away. She invites others to join NISGUA's cross-border work for justice through the Guatemala Accompaniment Program. If you're interested in being a part of our 2019 Accompanier Cohort, we call on [...]

Accompanier Perspectives: Extraction, Destruction, and Immigration – In Honor of Claudia Patricia Gómez González

2018-08-01T21:55:41+00:00July 2nd, 2018|Accompanier Perspectives|

Accompanier Claire Bransky dedicates this article to Claudia Patricia Gómez González and the many other victims of the United States' imperialism and racialized violence. The US's funding and training of genocidal dictators and its imposition of mega-projects on indigenous and campesino lands have created conditions that have forced many from [...]

Accompanier Perspectives: land, genocide, and gentrification in Guatemala and the US

2018-05-03T16:57:45+00:00April 23rd, 2018|Accompanier Perspectives|

In her final letter as a human rights accompanier in Guatemala, Clara Lincoln draws connections between the US and Guatemalan governments' violence against indigenous peoples and people of color, through genocide, sexual violence, state brutality, and attempts at erasure through the imposition of mega-projects and gentrification models that strip people's [...]

Accompanier Perspectives: Guatemalan History – The coup, the conflict, and the consequences

2017-12-07T21:26:30+00:00November 23rd, 2017|Accompanier Perspectives|

In her first letter from Guatemala, Claire Bransky provides a brief history of Guatemala and how its people have been affected by forces of racism, exploitation, and the US's imperialism. As a volunteer with NISGUA's Guatemala Accompaniment Project (GAP), Claire provides accompaniment through the international coalition ACOGUATE to Guatemalan [...]

Accompanier Perspectives: 2017 Political Crisis in Guatemala

2017-12-08T20:48:48+00:00September 19th, 2017|Accompanier Perspectives, Justice and accountability|

Guatemala plunged into a political crisis this month as President Jimmy Morales attempted to circumvent a criminal investigation into his campaign finances by declaring the head of the UN-sponsored Commision (CICIG) persona non grata, a decision that sparked widespread public outcry. A second wave of outrage followed over legislation [...]

Accompanier Perspectives: Huehuetenango

2018-01-10T20:12:07+00:00June 15th, 2015|Accompanier Perspectives|

Dear Family and Friends, Thanks to those of you who’ve responded to my recent call for action in solidarity with political prisoners in Huehuetenango and for financial support in NISGUA’s successful May Match campaign! Those of you who’ve signed in support of the release of Saúl Méndez and Rogelio [...]

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