June Solidarity Update 2021 // Boletín Solidario de Junio
Outside of the courthouse while Judge Galvez gave his resolution, activists and relatives placed pictures of their disappeared loved ones that are registered in the Military Diary. A sign [...]
Over 70 organizations express concern regarding reforms to Guatemala’s NGO Law
June 25, 2021 Revised NGO Law threatens freedom of association in Guatemala The undersigned organizations express our profound concern regarding the [...]
Más de 70 organizaciones nacionales e internacionales expresan preocupación por las reformas a la Ley de ONGs guatemalteca
25 de Junio del 2021 Reformas a la ley de ONGs amenazan la libertad de asociación en Guatemala Las organizaciones firmantes expresamos nuestra profunda preocupación [...]
Statement: A light of hope in 37 years of impunity
Lawyers and plaintiffs present in the Judicial Room during the First Declaration Hearing of the six former military and police indicted for crimes against humanity in the Military Diary [...]
Statement from the Families of the Victims of the Military Diary Case
Following the news that eleven alleged perpetrators in the Military Diary case have been detained on May 27 of 2021, we express our solidarity with the family members of [...]
Comunicado: Resistencia Pacífica de Santa Cruz Barillas y Asamblea Departamental de Huehuetenango.
Ante la “consternación” que la Corporación Financiera Internacional y el Banco Mundial expresaron respecto al informe de la Oficina del Ombudsman y Asesor de Cumplimiento (CAO), relacionado a la [...]