ADH conmemora el Día de la Tierra en el contexto del COVID-19
Miembres de la Asamblea Departamental de Pueblos de Huehuetenango (ADH) en una manifestación en julio de 2019. Lee el comunicado por la Asamblea Departamental de Pueblos de Huehuetenango (ADH), marcando el Día de la Tierra en el contexto de la pandemia COVID-19:
Statement: During the Coronavirus emergency military condemned intend to get out of jail
As several grave war crimes cases have been temporarily suspended, the lawyer of five senior military officials convicted in the Molina Theissen case (including Benedicto Lucas García and Manuel Callejas y Callejas) made another attempt to release convicted war criminals, this time using the pandemic as an excuse. Survivors of the Internal Armed Conflict see this as a new [...]
CALDH denounces break in at the home of Lawyer Esteban Celada, lawyer of high impact cases
NISGUA joins CALDH in denouncing the break-in of the home of Esteban Celada. Esteban is a well known Guatemalan lawyer who currently represents the girls massacred in a state-run youth shelter "Hogar Virgen de Asunción" in 2017. To date, there have been 39 attacks on Esteban, who also worked on the Molina Theissen case, Sepur Zarco case and provide [...]
Movimientos Ancestrales: Territorios Indígenas y Migración
Silvia Raquec, coordinadora del Programa de Migración de la Asociación Pop No'j y la oradora de la gira de NISGUA de 2020. Toma acción: No a los acuerdos de tercer país seguro con Centroamérica MIRA AL SEMINARIO VIRTUAL "Movimientos Ancestrales: Territorio Indígena y Migración" En este 2020, una [...]
Human Rights Ombudsman findings on verification mission of deported people in Guatemala City Airport
A sign from the Departmental Assembly of Peoples of Huehuetenango that reads "Only together, with the memory of the struggle and resistance of our peoples, can we stop imperialism." Human Rights Ombudsman findings on verification mission of deported persons isolated in La Aurora International Airport The adapted areas have 120 sleeping mats, which are situated on top [...]
Gobierno Plurinacional aclara los incidentes de febrero 2020 en Ixquisis
Una represa ya baja construcción es visible desde el otro lado del río en Ixquisis, a pesar de la resistencia permanente de las comunidades ante la imposición de megaproyectos en sus territorios.