Blog Medium Image2017-11-25T19:35:42+00:00

Letter to the president from the Assembly of Authorities of People in resistence for the defense of democracy

Guatemala City, October 11, 2023 Mr. Alejandro Giammettei Falla The Office the President of the Republic Mr. President, With great indignation and disgust, through the media we have learned that a letter signed by yourself has been circulating in which you insist, just as you did on the national broadcast from October 9, 2023, that we are being “bussed [...]

By |October 12th, 2023|Categories: Defense of life and territory, Justice and accountability|0 Comments

Statement by ancestral indigenous authorities

WE STRONGLY CONDEMN THE ACTS OF VANDALISM AND VIOLENCE! Regarding some acts of vandalism that occurred today, as indigenous authorities we inform the people of Guatemala, that for eight consecutive days we have conducted protests in a peaceful, orderly and respectful manner, allowing the passage of medical vehicles, ambulances, emergency and medical personnel, and people in vulnerable situations. However, [...]

By |October 9th, 2023|Categories: Defense of life and territory, Justice and accountability|0 Comments

Statement faced with the kidnapping of the people’s decision through the policies of State terrorism implemented by the current government and its criminal pact.

As Families of disappeared persons detained in Guatemala, we express: A resounding rejection to the grotesque and improper raid in the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, which reminds us of the worst moments of the dictatorships that resulted in more than 45,000 people detained and disappeared in Guatemala, and sends a threats of criminalization to hundreds of people who, legitimately, in [...]

By |October 2nd, 2023|Categories: Justice and accountability, Justicia|0 Comments

AJR reject with total indignation the law initiative 6099

THE ASSOCIATION FOR JUSTICE AND RECONCILIATION -AJR- TO THE PUBLIC OPINION COMMUNICATES: The victims and survivors of the Internal Armed Conflict (IAC)  organized in the Association for Justice and Reconciliation (AJR) reject with total indignation the law initiative 6099, because it favors the military personnel responsible for committing grave violations of human rights and crimes against humanity during the [...]

🌱 Actualización solidaria de septiembre

Las elecciones del 2023, han sido la concreción de décadas de violaciones a derechos humanos, implementados desde la época colonial hasta la fecha, con la consolidación del poder en las manos de unos pocos para llevar a cabo sus intereses económicos con impunidad. A pesar de ello, durante los últimos meses hemos visto a los Pueblos de Guatemala levantarse, [...]

By |October 1st, 2023|Categories: blog-español, defensa del territorio, Justicia, Solidarity Update|0 Comments

🌱 September Solidarity Update

The elections of 2023 have been a materialization of decades of human rights violations, implemented since colonial times to this day, with the consolidation of power in the hands of a few to carry out their economic interests with impunity. In spite of this, over the last few months we have seen the Guatemalan people rise up, again and [...]

By |October 1st, 2023|Categories: Solidarity Update|0 Comments
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