Solidarity with the People of Palestine
The Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA) reaffirms our commitment and solidarity with people organized in the struggle to defend life and territories and in resistance to occupation and apartheid, which through colonial tactics justify the violence against and dehumanization of Palestinian and Indigenous Peoples. For over 100 days, more than 20,000 Palestinian have been massacred; [...]
Perspectivas de lxs acompañantes: Lecciones organizativas de 106 días de resistencia indígena en el Ministerio Público
Ana (elle/ella). Internacionalista 2023 escribió esta carta el 18 de enero de 2024. Querides amigues, familiares y camaradas: Bernardo Arévalo es presidente de Guatemala desde el lunes a primera hora de la mañana. Aunque fue elegido el 20 de agosto con el 60% de los votos (una victoria aplastante), su investidura no era segura. Desde las elecciones, [...]
Accompanier perspectives: Organizing lessons from 106 days of Indigenous resistance at the Public Ministry
Ana (they/elle/ella). Internacionalista 2023 wrote this letter on January 18th, 2024. Dear friends, family and comrades: Bernardo Arévalo is president of Guatemala as of Monday in the very early morning. Even though he was elected on August 20th with 60% of the vote (aka landslide victory), that he would be inaugurated was not a sure thing. Since [...]
Victoria para Aguacatán, Huehuetenango: La publicación del Acuerdo Municipal de Protección al Agua
El 23 de diciembre de 2023, el Pueblo de Aguacatán, Huehuetenango celebró la publicación del Acuerdo Municipal de Protección al Agua en el Diario Oficial de Centroamérica. El Acuerdo Municipal simboliza el reconocimiento del derecho para defender al territorio y agua y el poder de organización local de base. La regulación de algunas disposiciones en el código municipal- que [...]
A Win for Aguacatán, Huehuetenango: Publication of the Municipal Water Protection Agreement
On December 23, 2023, the community of Aguacatán, Huehuetenago celebrated the publication of a Municipal Water Protection Agreement in the Official Journal of Central America (Diario Oficial de Centroamérica). The Water Protection Agreement symbolizes the recognition of Indigenous people’s right to land and water in the Municipal Code, and the power of local grassroots organizing. The codification of certain [...]
Statement: Justice for journalist Norma Sancir
Judge Jorge Douglas Ochoa of the Criminal Sentencing Court of the Department of Chiquimula sentenced a commissioner and two agents of the National Civil Police (PNC) for the crime of abuse of authority in the detention of journalist Norma Sancir, who was covering a demonstration of the Chortís communities in Camotán. Nine years after the events occurred, 19 hearings, [...]