
December 2014

Un vistazo al futuro? Mapas comunitarios muestran el potencial de Tahoe Resources para ampliar operaciones mineras

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Click here for English.  Los mapas que se encuentran abajo son parte de un proceso colectivo de las comunidades afectadas por la minería, con el objetivo de ampliar el conocimiento sobre las licencias de [...]

November 2014

Human rights defenders from Barillas convicted despite irregularities in proceedings

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An excerpt from a press release issued by the Guatemalan Unit for the  Protection of Human Rights Defenders (UDEFEGUA): "On Thursday, November 13, the trial court judge in Villa Nueva sent Oscar Morales, a leader [...]

“We are a peaceful people” – Mataquescuintla celebrates 2nd anniversary of municipal referendum against mining

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"Second Anniversary, Municipal Consultation as requested by Residents." Photo: CPR Urbana “Authorities will come and go, but it’s the responsibility of the people to uphold this decision,” says Moisés Divas to a large crowd [...]

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