Extended interview with Guatemalan psychologist, Maudi Tzay on the Sepur Zarco case
In the lead-up to the “Guatemalan women healing towards justice: the case of Sepur Zarco," NISGUA sat down with Maudi Tzay, a community psychologist with ECAP, to talk about the Sepur Zarco trial, community processes of healing, and the important work women survivors are doing as they seek justice for sexual violence. This translated interview has been edited for [...]
Entrevista con Maudi Tzay, ECAP
NISGUA habló con Maudi Tzay, una psicóloga comunitaria con el Equipo de Estudios Comunitarios y Acción Psicosocial (ECAP), sobre el caso de Sepur Zarco y el papel integral de los procesos de sanación en los movimientos por la justicia transicional. Entre el 7 - 10 de octubre, Maudi recorrerá a los EEUU con NISGUA, hablando del caso. Para más información [...]
Solidaridad internacional con defensoras y todos quienes defienden el agua, la tierra, la vida y el territorio
29 de septiembre de 2016 Las organizaciones que suscriben expresamos nuestra profunda solidaridad con Angélica Choc y su familia luego de los disparos que recibió su vivienda el viernes 16 de septiembre de 2016. El atentado sucedió pasada la medianoche cuando impactaron cuatro balas en los muros de la casa donde dormía Angélica y dos niños. Este último ataque [...]
Indigenous Xinca and campesino communities stand in resistance to extractive biomass project
More than 30 Xinca and campesino communities from the municipalities of Quesada and Jutiapa in southeastern Guatemala are resisting a biomass energy plant that will burn eucalyptus trees for electricity. Representatives from the communities have formed a resistance camp, maintaining a constant present at two different entrances to the project site for over eight weeks, and say they are determined to [...]
Hundreds sign on to Solidarity Statement with Women Defenders and All Defending Water, Land, Life and Territory
International Solidarity with Women Defenders and All Defending Water, Land, Life and Territory September 29, 2016 We, the undersigned, express our solidarity with Angelica Choc and family after gunshots were fired against her home on Friday, September 16, 2016. The attack occurred just after midnight. Four bullets impacted the walls of her home, where Angelica and two children were sleeping. [...]
Guatemalan community psychologist Maudi Tzay to speak across the U.S. on the historic case of Sepur Zarco, winning justice for women survivors of state-sanctioned sexual violence in Guatemala
MEDIA ADVISORY Contact: David Imhoff, (510) 763-1403, david@nisgua.org Event Details: U.S. Speaking Tour to visit AZ, TX, CA, OR, and WA, October 7-24 (Guatemala City/Oakland, CA): Maudi Tzay, a Guatemalan community psychologist with the Community Research and Psychosocial Action Team (ECAP), will tour the United States in October to talk about the crucial role of healing in movements for [...]