Solidaridad con los familiares, víctimas, sobrevivientes del caso Diario Militar y organizaciones que les acompañan
El 6 de mayo, el juez Gálvez ordenó apertura a juicio de 9 imputados del caso Diario Militar, enfrentando cargos por detención ilegal, tortura, desaparición forzada, asesinato, ejecución extrajudicial, violencia sexual y crímenes de lesa humanidad de al menos 195 personas (durante 1983-1985). A medida que avanza el caso, una preocupación y demanda central es la garantía de seguridad [...]
AJR statement regarding the return of the remains of people murdered in La Trinitaria during the IAC
We share with you a statement from the AJR regarding the return of the remains of several people murdered during the Internal Armed Conflict by the Guatemalan army, to their community of La Trinitaria, Ixcán, Quiche. Guatemala November 17, 2022 We inform the national and international public that today, November 17, 2022, delegates from the Association [...]
On November 15, Judge Galvez announced his resignation as a High-risk Court Judge and made public that he left the country due to defamation, intimidation, harassment, security threats and lack of access to a due process. The threats against Judge Miguel Angel Galvez increased dramatically after he ordered the opening of the trial for the first nine military and [...]
Actualización Solidaria de Octubre-Noviembre
Susanne Jonas ha muerto. ¡Qué Viva Susanne Jonas! --- Luis Argueta, cineasta guatemalteco. Susanne Jonas, prolífica autora, profesora e infatigable activista de la justicia social en favor de Guatemala y de Centroamérica en general, murió mientras estaba hospitalizada por una neumonía en Oakland el 31 de agosto de 2022. Tenía 80 años. Expresamos nuestro [...]
October-November Solidarity Update
In memory of activist Susanne Jonas "Susanne Jones has died. Long Live Susanne Jonas!" -- Luis Argueta, Guatemalan filmmaker Susanne Jonas, prolific author, teacher, and tireless social justice activist on behalf of Guatemala and Central America more broadly, died while hospitalized with pneumonia in Oakland on August 31, 2022. She was 80 years old. [...]
Statement: The Situation of the freedom of expression in Guatemala at CIDH hearing
Civil society organizations denounce the serious situation of freedom of expression in Guatemala before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights. During the hearing, held on October 24, civil society organizations expressed their concern to the expressed their concern before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) about the accelerated regression of freedom of expression and thought, marked by acts [...]