
June 2013

Complaint asks for investigation into Tahoe Resources after wiretap evidence implicates employees in violence at Escobal mine

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On Saturday April 27, mine security at Tahoe Resources' Escobal project opened fire on community members peacefully gathered outside the mine site. Six men were shot and seriously injured. This incident set of a [...]

Se solicita a Comisión de Valores en Canadá investigar a Minera Tahoe luego de que escuchas telefónicas vincluan a sus empleados en hecho violentos en Guatemala

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PARA DIFUSIÓN INMEDIATA 3 de junio 2013 (Toronto/Ottawa) El Proyecto Justicia y Responsabilidad Corporativa (Justice and Corporate Accountability Project - JCAP) en Canadá entregó el día viernes una queja a la Comisión de Valores [...]

May 2013

Rubén Herrera Released from Prison!

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Rubén Herrera and Cecilia Mérida moments after Rubén was liberated. Yesterday, Rubén Herrera, unjustly imprisoned since March 15 for his resistance to the Cambalam hydro-electric project, was released from custody and cleared of all [...]

NISGUA in NYC with the Association for Justice and Reconciliation: Listen live to our special event

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Live transmission of event in NYC with the AJR. Tramission will begin at approximately 7:15pm EST, May 30, and last for one hour. Transmisión en vivo de la actividad en la ciudad de Nueva [...]

International community calls for Rubén Herrera’s immediate release

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More than one year after President Molina declared a state of siege in Santa Cruz de Barillas, repression continues against community leaders resisting the Cambalam hydroelectric project, operated by Spanish owned Hidro Santa Cruz. [...]

AJR Declaration to the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

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The Association for Justice and Reconciliation addressed the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York City today. We are honored to provide the exclusive English translation of the declaration. Read the [...]

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