Actualización solidaria de Octubre 🔥
En octubre queremos honrar la lucha actual de los pueblos frente al colonialismo, capitalismo, imperialismo. El legado de las resistencias actuales será la libertad de los Pueblos del mañana! [...]
October Solidarity Update 🔥
This October we want to honor the current struggle of the People against colonialism, capitalism, imperialism. The legacy of today's resistances will be the freedom of the People of [...]
Memento on the Resistance in Rescuing Democracy in Huehuetenango
United as Organized Civil Society 1- We, the Mam people, upon finding out about the crimes committed by the Guatemalan government, have organized as civil society to defend and [...]
Descansa en poder Don Marcial 🌻
Crédito de fotografía: Rode Díaz. 2013 “Si ya llega el momento que desaparezco de este mundo, yo no quiero que me construyan un panteón, porque la [...]
Clark Taylor, presente!
Crédito de fotografía: Foto cortesía del Hermanamiento de Needham con Guatemala Clark Taylor (y su difunta esposa Kay) fueron campeones e incondicionales de la Comunidad de Patrocinio [...]
Clark Taylor, presente!
Photo courtesy of Needham Guatemala Partnership Clark Taylor (and his late wife Kay) were champions and stalwarts of the Needham Sponsoring Community (which they founded). Clark's volunteer [...]