Solidarity Update: July 2019
News Recap: Huehuetenango communities march against militarization, Escalation of tension, threats and defamation against the peaceful resistance to mining in Mataquescuintla, NISGUA Oakland takes action for immigrant justice on Amazon Prime Day, Thank you Becky, David, and Martha; welcome Claire, Meredith, Rafael, and Sarasuadi!
Escalation of tension, threats and defamation in Mataquescuintla, Guatemala
July 23, 2019 Escalation of tension, threats and defamation against the peaceful resistance to mining in Mataquescuintla, Guatemala On July 5th, in the evening, members of the Peaceful Resistance of Mataquescuintla were at one of the two encampments set up on either side of the Escobal mine, owned by Canadian mining company, Pan American Silver. At 9:50pm, a man [...]
Escalada de tensiones, amenazas y difamación en Mataquescuintla
23 de julio 2019 Escalada de tensiones, amenazas y difamación en contra de la resistencia pacífica a la minería en Mataquescuintla, Guatemala La noche de viernes 5 de julio, integrantes de la Resistencia Pacífica de Mataquescuintla estaban de turno en uno de los dos plantones pacíficos en los dos lados de la mina Escobal que pertenece a la empresa [...]
Accompanier Zine: Militarization & Resistance at the Mexico/Guatemala Border
Former NISGUA accompanier Olivia Pandolfi (they/them or she/her) created this zine about militarization and resistance as a Friends and Family Letter to their community. To read the zine as a PDF, click here. To download the zine, cut it up, and fold it into your own mini zine, click here! Dear friends & family, [...]
Carta al gobernador de Huehuetenango: No militarización gringa sin consulta
Rubén Herrera, Coordinador General de la ADH, entrega el Memorial de Zacaleu a los representantes del gobernador de Huehuetenango el 11 de julio, 2019. El 11 de julio, 2019, comunidades de Huehuetenango manifestaron en contra de la presencia de militares estadounidenses en sus territorios. Ni una comunidad indígena fue consultada sobre la presencia de tropas extranjeras, [...]
Letter to Huehuetenango Governor: No U.S. Militarization without Consultation
Rubén Herrera, General Coordinator of the ADH, present the Petition of Zacaleu to representatives of the Governor of Huehuetenango on July 11, 2019. On July 11, 2019, communities of Huehuetenango marched against the presence of the U.S. military in their territories. Not one Indigenous community was consulted about the presence of foreign troops, a violation of [...]