Blog Medium Image2017-11-25T19:35:42+00:00

Comunicado 15 Asamblea Ordinaria ACODET

LA ASOCIACIÓN DE COMUNIDADES PARA EL DESARROLLO, DEFENSA DE LA TIERRA Y LOS RECURSOS NATURALES ACODET, EN SU DÉCIMA QUINTA ASAMBLEA GENERAL ORDINARIA ANTE LA OPINIÓN PÚBLICA, MANIFESTAMOS:  Nosotros y nosotras las autoridades indígenas y ancestrales de las diferentes comunidades indígenas de Ixcán, Cobán y Uspantán que conformamos la Asociación de Comunidades para el Desarrollo, Defensa de la Tierra [...]

Actualización Solidaria Marzo 🌷

 Marzo ha sido un mes de transiciones, del invierno a primavera y también en los procesos de la Madre Tierra: ¡es época de sembrar! Sembremos juntes semillas de solidaridad, de resistencia y rebeldía.  Desde la sabiduría ancestral, las semillas para su crecimiento necesitan enraizarse en suelo fértil. Les invitamos a fortalecer su raíz de lucha contra los sistemas de [...]

March Solidarity Update 🌷

March has been a month of transitions, from winter to spring, and in the processes of Mother Earth: it is the time to sow! Together, let us sow seeds of solidarity, resistance, and rebellion. Ancestral wisdom teaches us that, in order to grow, seeds must take root in fertile soil. We invite you to strengthen your roots of struggle [...]

Statement: Tailor-made Judgements: A Constitutional Court that Pretends to Grant de facto Amnesty

International and national organizations warned about a new attempt by the Constitutional Court (CC) to maintain impunity for the crimes committed in the Molina Theissen Case. The CC’s decision orders that a new resolution be issued, which may favor house arrest for the former military officials, Francisco Luis Gordillo Martínez, Manuel Antonio Callejas y Callejas, Hugo Ramiro Zaldaña Rojas, [...]


Río Negro, Ixcan. Photo by NISGUA STATEMENT OF THE INTERCULTURAL SOCIAL MOVEMENT OF THE PEOPLE OF IXCÁN BEFORE PUBLIC OPINION Today, March 22, World Water Day, we express our great concerns about the national and municipal situation. The situation in the country is complicated for the Guatemalan population, because every day we see injustices committed against communities, violations [...]

FAMDEGUA Bulletin 24-March 7th, 2023.

Military Diary Case Ex-military personnel Alix Leonel Barillas Soto and Enrique Cifuentes de la Cruz have requested a trial to review their enforcement measures. At this meeting, the lawyer representing the victims in the case analyzed the petition and argued that the crimes for which the accused are charged are of international concern and to the detriment of [...]

By |March 21st, 2023|Categories: Justice and accountability, Justicia|0 Comments
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