Blog Medium Image2017-11-25T19:35:42+00:00

Invest in Racial Justice: Christina Reyes launches GAP Scholarship Fund

A seed of transformation and liberation was planted two years ago, when we shared NISGUA’s vision for solidarity and our commitment to an organization-wide racial justice framework. We committed to increasing participation of People of Color and low income/working class comrades in the Guatemala Accompaniment Project (GAP). Your donations to this initiative generated the resources we needed to work [...]

Facing U.S. intervention, we resist to live: Statement by the ADH

A sign reads, "The interference by the United States buries the people's peace." THEY DO NOT CONSULT US, THEY DO NOT LISTEN TO US, WE RESIST TO SURVIVE…  On this day, August 9, 2019, we, the Indigenous people of Zaculeu, convene ourselves to strongly condemn the events that are taking place in this country, events which bring [...]

Ante injerencia gringa, resistimos para vivir: Comunicado por la ADH

A sign reads, "The interference by the United States buries the people's peace." NO NOS CONSULTAN, NO NOS TOMAN EN CUENTA, RESISTIMOS PARA VIVIR… Los pueblos originarios de Zaculeu, en este 9 de agosto de 2019 nos auto convocamos para condenar enérgicamente los hechos que están sucediendo en el país, que ponen de manifiesto el carácter represivo [...]

Solidarity Update: July 2019

News Recap: Huehuetenango communities march against militarization, Escalation of tension, threats and defamation against the peaceful resistance to mining in Mataquescuintla, NISGUA Oakland takes action for immigrant justice on Amazon Prime Day, Thank you Becky, David, and Martha; welcome Claire, Meredith, Rafael, and Sarasuadi!

Escalation of tension, threats and defamation in Mataquescuintla, Guatemala

July 23, 2019 Escalation of tension, threats and defamation against the peaceful resistance to mining in Mataquescuintla, Guatemala On July 5th, in the evening, members of the Peaceful Resistance of Mataquescuintla were at one of the two encampments set up on either side of the Escobal mine, owned by Canadian mining company, Pan American Silver. At 9:50pm, a man [...]

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