Blog Medium Image2017-11-25T19:35:42+00:00

CALDH statement: Serious Human Rights Violations Do Not Have Substitutive Measures

In May 2018, the judges of the Highest Risk Court C sentenced General Manuel Benedicto Lucas García, former head of the Presidential General Staff; Manuel Callejas y Callejas, former intelligence chief; and Hugo Ramiro Zaldaña, former intelligence officer, to 58 years in prison; and to 33 years in prison to Francisco Luis Gordillo, former commander of the military zone [...]

Perspectivas de lxs acompañantes: Otras formas de ver la vida: lecciones de liberación y resistencia a través de los territorios

Oli (elle) ex internacionalista de NISGUA escribió esta actualización durante su tiempo como voluntarie con NISGUA. ¡Lee y disfruta! Querida comunidad, Estoy de nuevo en Guatemala por una segunda estancia como acompañante. Algunas de las luchas que acompañaba cuando estaba aquí la última vez en 2018-19 han logrado sus metas, o han tenido éxito por ahora, y [...]

Accompanier perspectives: Other ways to value life: lessons of liberation and resistance across territories

Oli (they/them) former NISGUA internacionalista wrote this update during their time as a volunteer with NISGUA. Read and enjoy! Dear community, I am in Guatemala for my second stint as an accompanier. Some of the struggles I accompanied when I was here last in 2018-19 have been won, or won for now, and it is a testament to [...]

World Mother Earth Day Statement / Declaración del Día Mundial de la Madre Tierra

Political statement on the occasion of World Mother Earth Day Tq’ijlal Qtxu’ Tx’otx’. The Assembly of the Peoples of Huehuetenango -ADH in defense of the land, autonomy, and free determination of the people -ADH On April 22, 1970, the U.N. declared World Earth Day, and approximately 20 million people participated by demonstrating in the streets to celebrate. Now, 1,000 [...]

Statement of ACODET 15th Ordinary Assembly

THE ASSOCIATION OF COMMUNITIES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT, DEFENSE OF THE LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES ACODET, IN ITS FIFTEENTH ORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY BEFORE THE PUBLIC OPINION, WE DECLARE:  We, the indigenous and ancestral authorities of the different indigenous communities of Ixcán, Cobán and Uspantán that make up the Association of Communities for the Development, Defense of Land and Natural Resources [...]

Comunicado 15 Asamblea Ordinaria ACODET

LA ASOCIACIÓN DE COMUNIDADES PARA EL DESARROLLO, DEFENSA DE LA TIERRA Y LOS RECURSOS NATURALES ACODET, EN SU DÉCIMA QUINTA ASAMBLEA GENERAL ORDINARIA ANTE LA OPINIÓN PÚBLICA, MANIFESTAMOS:  Nosotros y nosotras las autoridades indígenas y ancestrales de las diferentes comunidades indígenas de Ixcán, Cobán y Uspantán que conformamos la Asociación de Comunidades para el Desarrollo, Defensa de la Tierra [...]

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