Actualización caso Genocidio Ixil. Del 18 al 21 de junio de 2024

Martes 18 de junio, audiencia 37 “Lo vi con mis propios ojos y sentí con mi propio cuerpo todo el dolor que causó el ejército” Tiburcio Utuy (✝) En el día 37 del juicio, el Ministerio Público presentó  cuatro anticipos de prueba de sobrevivientes, cuyos testimonios fueron  [...]

Crumbling political support for Tahoe Resources in Guatemala

Article written in collaboration with MiningWatch Canada and the Maritimes-Guatemala Breaking the Silence Network.  If the militarized security strategy that Tahoe Resources has used to put its Escobal silver mine into operation isn’t enough to raise questions about the ethics of the company’s operations in Guatemala, the recent resignation of Guatemalan President [...]

2018-01-10T20:01:25+00:00September 11th, 2015|Escobal, Justice and accountability|

Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina resigns, detained on charges of corruption

Update: On Tuesday, September 8, former President Otto Pérez Molina was indicted on charges of customs fraud, illicit association, and bribery in connection with "La Línea," a customs fraud network accused of stealing millions of dollars from the Guatemalan state. Given the number of people still being investigated in [...]

2018-01-10T20:01:57+00:00September 4th, 2015|Justice and accountability|

Despite the arrest of former VP Roxana Baldetti, President Otto Pérez Molina says he won’t step down

On Friday, the UN-backed International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG) and Public Prosecutor's office revealed evidence connecting Guatemala President Otto Pérez Molina to the massive customs corruption network known as La Línea. Prosecutors have filed a legal motion to strip Pérez Molina of his presidential immunity – the [...]

2018-01-10T20:02:24+00:00August 25th, 2015|Justice and accountability|

In wake of Guatemala corruption scandals, Tahoe Resources’ Escobal license faces legal challenge

On July 12, 2015, the Guatemalan Center for Environmental and Social Legal Action (CALAS) filed criminal charges against former Minister of the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Erick Archila, and former mines director at MEM, Fernando Castellanos. CALAS is accusing Archila and Castellanos of violating the Constitution and [...]

2018-01-10T20:06:57+00:00July 13th, 2015|Defense of life and territory, Escobal|

Petition to remove Pérez Molina’s presidential immunity moves to Congress

On June 10th, Guatemala's Supreme Court unanimously voted to accept Congressman Amílcar Pop's petition to remove President Otto Pérez Molina's immunity. Pop is accusing President Molina of playing a role in the corruption scandals in the tax and health sectors, which were recently unveiled by the UN-backed International Commission [...]

2018-01-10T20:11:43+00:00June 16th, 2015|Justice and accountability|

A corruption scandal, a new Vice President and the largest mass mobilization in Guatemala’s recent history

Tens of thousands gather in Guatemala's central park to demand an end to impunity and corruption. Photo credit: SkyCam Guatemala A crime ring that defrauded the Guatemalan national tax collection agency (SAT) and customs office, and implicated high-level authorities in different government institutions all the way up to Vice President [...]

2020-01-01T21:26:54+00:00May 18th, 2015|Justice and accountability|

Communiqué denouncing recent repression in Northern Huehuetenango

On September 28, conflict erupted again in Northern Huehuetenango in response to the imposition of Spanish-owned Cambalam hydro-electric project in Santa Cruz Barillas. Despite ongoing criminalization and repression, community members continue to demand respect for the 2007 community consultation rejecting large-scale development projects in their territory.During his September 3 [...]

2019-12-27T18:28:28+00:00October 2nd, 2013|Defense of life and territory, Huehuetenango|

Comunicado denunciando agresiones en el Norte de Huehuetenango

A LA COMUNIDAD NACIONAL E INTERNACIONAL EXPRESAMOS: La agresión actual a los pueblos Q’anjob’al, Akateko, Chuj y mestizo de la Región Norte del departamento de Huehuetenango, de parte del Presidente y comandante en Jefe del Ejército Nacional, General Otto Fernando Pérez Molina, quien en conferencia de prensa resaltó la [...]

2019-12-27T17:35:04+00:00October 2nd, 2013|defensa del territorio, Huehuetenango - ESP|

Carta al presidente expresando solidaridad con San José Nacahuil

El 7 de septiembre, seis hombres desconocidos dispararon y mataron a once miembros de la comunidad de San José Nacahuil, en la municipalidad de San Pedro Ayampuc. El día de hoy, NISGUA entregó una carta, firmada por organizaciones internacionales, al Presidente Otto Pérez Molina para expresar nuestra solidaridad con [...]

2019-12-25T01:22:55+00:00September 20th, 2013|defensa del territorio, La Puya (ESP)|

Totonicapán rising: Guatemalan military massacres K’iche protesters

The deceased, all wounded by firearm, according to Dr. Jorge Destarac, regional head of the National Forensic Science Institute, were eight in total: Rafael Batz (Pasajoc), Santos Nicolás Menchú (Pasajoc), Jesús Baltazar Caxaj Puac (Chipuac), Francisco Ordoñez (Chipuac), José Eusebio Puac Ordoñez (Chipuac), Arturo Félix Sapón Yax (Panquix), Domingo [...]

2018-02-05T21:23:03+00:00October 10th, 2012|defensa del territorio, Justice and accountability|

Indigenous protesters killed in Totonicapan, Guatemala

At least six protesters were killed and dozens wounded this afternoon in repression of a protest organized by the representatives of 48 indigenous K'iche communities of Totonicapan, Guatemala. According to Guatemala Indymedia Center and social movement organizations, the protesters were shot by Guatemalan military personnel. The autonomous indigenous government of the 48 cantones (communities) of Totonicapan [...]

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