Justice and Dignity: March for the Victims of the Internal Armed Conflict in Guatemala

(Español más abajo) On February 25, 2025, a march took place in Guatemala to commemorate National Victims' Dignity Day of the Internal Armed Conflict. The mobilization, which gathered over 500 people, began at the Supreme Court of Justice and ended at Constitution Plaza. Participants, mostly family members and survivors, [...]

2025-03-04T16:56:48+00:00March 4th, 2025|Justice and accountability, Justicia, Uncategorized|

Estados Unidos corresponsable en el caso Diario Militar

El 20 de mayo de 1999, fue publicado por primera vez el Diario Militar de Guatemala. A 24 años de la publicación del documento Diario Militar familiares de víctimas que se registran ahí siguen exigiendo justicia. Nos sumamos a las miles de voces que siguen preguntando #EnDóndeEstán? #PensarDistintoNoEsDelito. El [...]

2023-05-21T18:00:03+00:00May 19th, 2023|Justicia|

July Solidarity Update 2021 / Boletín Solidario de Julio

On July 22nd, Rubén’s life partner, feminist leader Alba Cecilia, launched Rubén’s second book, ¿Cómo olvidar a las memorias olvidadas? or How to forget the forgotten memories? You can watch the livestream of the launch in Spanish at www.facebok.com/MadreSelvaColectivo. [Español abajo] Dear NISGUA community, In moments of grief, as in [...]

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